Better buses for North Sheffield?

Story:Amy Palmer

Sheffield City Council wants to reduce the delays on bus routes in Burngreave. The junction at Rutland Road/Pitsmoor Road and Spital Hill have been identified for traffic improvements to reduce congestion.

The Council has decided on the final scheme after a public consultation.

Rutland Road/Pitsmoor Road junction.

The widening of Rutland Road extends the right turn lane onto Cooks Wood Road from Pitsmoor Road, and adds new markings and an island for pedestrians crossing at the junction. The Messenger has been informed that the work is likely to happen during summer 2016.

Spital Hill bus stops

Buses stopping opposite Sorby House often have to pull up in the road due to on-street parking. The bus stop heading out of town will be moved opposite Hallcarr Street, with the loss of two parking spaces to create an area to pull in.

The Messenger put forward a concern about the additional walk from the shops for disabled people but the council decided to keep to the plan and preserve parking spaces.

Spital Hill/Savile Street junction

The stretch of bus lane between Tesco and the junction will be removed and the offside lane will become right turn only for all traffic except buses. The changes on Spital Hill will start as early as January 2016.

To view the plans visit

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The content on this page was added to the website by Graham Jones on 2016-01-12 12:29:08.
The content of the page was last modified by Amy Palmer on 2016-01-26 13:08:30.

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