Parkwood Academy?

The Council’s Cabinet met on 27th February 2008 and approved officers to submit a formal “Expression of Interest” to develop Parkwood into an Academy. In the end, it wasn’t debated by the full Council, although the Anti-Academies Alliance presented Councillors with a 300-signature petition.

The Council will now have to carry out further consultation on the “feasibility” of the proposals and a new consultation document is expected at the end of April.

The Messenger has been keeping track of progress on the website – see ‘Parkwood Academy proposals’ in the community section for more details.

The letters in this section from Mick Ibbotson and Chris Mallaband show two different views on the question of whether Parkwood should become an academy.

Response to "Two Sides to Every Academy"

A letter from Chris Mallaband, headteacher at Parkwood High School.

Thoughts of a Parkwood parent

A letter from Mick Ibbotson, a Longley resident and parent.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Chris Blythe on 2008-04-04 18:49:10.
The content of the page was last modified by Rohan Francis on 2008-04-15 00:57:15.

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