Dispersal order in Fir Vale

From 28th May, a Dispersal and Curfew Order in Fir Vale, Page Hall and the Wensley Estate will allow police to move on groups of more than two people and enforce a curfew of 9pm.

The Order comes after several violent incidents in the streets. Some residents have complained that they find large groups of men in the street intimidating. At community meetings, the Police explained:

“This Order is not aimed at young people. The majority of residents will not notice any change because of the Order. Our concerns are with groups of men and issues around violent disorder. We will be using the extra powers when we have to, with the aim of preventing disorder in the street.”

But there is concern the Order will not address underlying problems, including long-term under-investment in services and housing. The Police have promised to engage local people in a positive way but residents and local workers acknowledge that a lot depends on how Police use their new power. It runs until 6th September.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Derrick Okrah on 2009-05-28 22:35:33.
The content of the page was last modified by Douglas Johnson on 2009-06-01 09:04:49.

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