Forum House open day

Forum House open day
Forum House open day

Story: Lisa Harrison Photo: Anwar Suliman

On February 13th 2008, Forum House opened its doors to visitors to provide people with information about the range of services on offer there. There were also several employers and training providers in attendance, giving people the opportunity to find out about local jobs.

The event attracted over 400 people during the course of the day, with some twenty or so employers, training providers and local enterprise organisations represented.

Eileen Enos, from translation agency ‘Talking Heads’, said, “We’ve had a lot of interest here. We work in over 60 languages, and are here to look for freelance interpreters.”

Philip Strafford, Forum House’s Employer Liaison Officer, organised the event. He said, “We wanted to provide an opportunity for the community to see what’s provided here. We put goody bags together to promote the event last weekend at Ellesmere Green, and we put an advert in the Messenger. We also promoted this event at Action for Employment (A4E) and at community forums.

“We started planning the open day in December 2007. There’ll be musicians and other performers later in the day, and we’re pleased with how the day has gone so far.”

Musa Jama, who attended the open day because he lives locally and wanted to find out more about the services on offer, said, “This is really good – it’s good to help people to get to know their community, the services available locally, and to help get people back into training and employment. This is a great opportunity for local people.”

Community Warden Julius Banda was keen to emphasise the very friendly and lively atmosphere at the open day. He told the Messenger, “This is wonderful, informative and timely. The spirit here is good – everyone wants to do something.

“The future seems bright for Burngreave. We wardens have come out to give support and help to people, and people have come up to us to find out how to become a warden.”

Forum House can provide practical help and advice to local people seeking employment or further training through a range of services on offer there. There is more information about Forum House’s services on the Messenger website, or alternatively contact them directly on 0114 275 5106.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Jamie Marriott on 2008-04-06 20:41:16.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2008-04-06 20:45:45.

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