Writing about events

If you’re going to an event in the area, or your group is organising something, here are a few ideas for how to write it up.

Photographs are the best way to show people what happened. Try to let people know their picture could be in the Messenger.

Remember to include the basic information, in the first part of the story try to answer the following questions:

Then you could go on to include more information:

It's good to quote people and put their names, but remember to ask their permission. If there was a special guest it's good to get a quote from them too.

Try to give the story an ending – it might be just to say ‘everyone had a good time’, or tell people when it will happen again, or say something about other related activities that are happening soon.

You can find examples of stories about events at the links below:

International Women’s Day

Services for Elders

If you need any help writing a story, or you want to talk about it before getting started, contact Lisa Swift at the Messenger office on 242 0564.

Document Links

International Women’s Day
Story about an event to celebrate International Women's Day
Services for Elders
Story about an event to address the issues faced by older residents.
This document was last modified on 2007-09-01 10:09:37.