Job Vacancy for Yemeni Community Association older people support worker

Job Vacancy for Yemeni Community Association older people support worker

Wish to appoint the following on a fixed term 1year contract:


16 hours per week at £7.00 per hour

To promote the independence of vulnerable older people within Arabic speaking communities, by identifying and assisting those in need to access appropriate resources. The Worker will be responsible for developing and supporting active participation from older people to allow them to voice their needs on a citywide level.

For further details or an application pack contact Khalood on 0114 256 0933 or email

Closing date is Friday 25 September 2015

Interviews to be held week commencing the 28 September 2015

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The content on this page was added to the website by Graham Jones on 2015-09-17 07:30:40.
The content of the page was last modified by Graham Jones on 2015-09-17 07:33:34.

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