Whiteways fundraiser

Whiteways fundraise for Yemen and Nepal
Whiteways fundraise for Yemen and Nepal

Story:Priya Blackham Photos:Usha Blackham

On Monday 24th August parents from Whiteways Primary School and members of the public came together for a fundraising event in aid of the crises in both Nepal and Yemen.

Held at Firth Park’s Clocktower building, the event enticed young and old with bouncy castles, henna, face painting, pampering and many stalls from local businesses to bric-a-brac. There was also some tasty food kindly provided by the Whiteways Parents Group which was also sold to raise further money for the cause.

Lord Mayor Talib Hussain also attended the event and expressed his joy at how the community came together in aid of the victims of the Nepal earthquake and the ongoing Yemeni civil war- both of which impact many in our local community.

Overall, the event managed to raise £620.56 thanks to the hard work of the organisers – the Whiteways Parents’ Group – and also thanks to the generosity of the local community.

The Parents’ Group would like to thank the public and Councillor Talib Hussain for their support.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-12 17:41:55.