Open air service on Ellesmere

Story:Philip Ireson

300 Christians from local churches gathered on Ellesmere Green on 13th September for a celebration as part of the ‘Crossroads Mission’ with the Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler.

Lively music was provided by a band, the sun shone and the Green looked at its best. The event also saw the official launch of the Northern Lights Mission partnership which joins together Christ Church, St. Peter’s, and St. Cuthbert’s.

As part of the mission Bishop Paul visited Pye Bank School and Pitsmoor Adventure Playground and then went out with Street Pastors around Page Hall.

In other news from the churches St. Cuthbert’s has said goodbye to their vicar, Louise Collins, and Christ Church curate, Hannah Hall, has also moved on to her new church in Nottingham.

Ellesmere Green blessed by the bishop
Ellesmere Green blessed by the bishop
Ignite Faith
Ignite Faith
This document was last modified on 2016-10-12 17:28:01.