On your own at Christmas

On Your Own This Christmas Day?

Do you live in Burngreave or Beauchief or Greenhill Ward? Are you over 50? Join us!

Age Better in Sheffield are hosting a lovely Christmas Dinner on Christmas day at 12.30pm. It’s free of charge, and we can help you get to and from the venue if needed.

Don’t worry about not knowing anybody – everyone will be in the same boat, plus there are loads of friendly volunteers to chat to. All you need to do is let us know that you want to come. We’ll sort out the rest. To book your place, please RSVP to South Yorkshire Housing Association on 0114 2900250 or by email to: care@shya.co.uk

Go On…. Make Someone’s Christmas

Volunteers needed for a Christmas Day Meal at two venues in Sheffield, for older people who will otherwise spend Christmas Day alone. These meals will depend entirely on kindness of volunteers and businesses across Sheffield.

Can you help?


Are you a business or a grower? Can you donate sprouts? Turkeys? Spuds? Crackers? Tablecloths?


We need volunteers to help get people to the venue, fetch and carry donations on Christmas Eve, and help prep, cook and tidy on Christmas Day.

Contact Gareth on 0114 2702549 or by email g.parkin@syha.co.uk

This document was last modified on 2015-11-04 13:46:18.