TEDx comes to Pitsmoor

TEDxPitsmoor, organiser Martin Currie
TEDxPitsmoor, organiser Martin Currie

TEDxPitsmoor is looking for speakers with ideas worth sharing! A group of residents in Pitsmoor has been granted an official licence to hold a TEDx event, an evening of inspirational ten minute talks, on 27th June at Christ Church.

TED talks began in 1984 at a conference on Technology, Entertainment and Design, and aim to make great ideas accessible over a worldwide network, shared by some of the most influential and powerful people on the planet. TEDx events are run independently by communities around the world.

Organiser Martin Currie says:

“TED Talks is a prestigious event, and many eyes will be on TEDxPitsmoor. We need your help to stage an extraordinary event. Go to > the website and sign up to talk. This is a golden opportunity to get our voice heard. Speak up Pitsmoor!”

Anyone with an idea they think other people should know about and a strong Pitsmoor connection is invited to apply to become a speaker. Successful applicants will receive advice on how to make their message as powerful as possible, with expert coaching and support.

Views of all denominations are welcome, as are performances and demonstrations. The organisers want a real mix, so trivial or serious, whimsical or earth shattering, as long as it isn't a sales pitch, doesn't attack others and isn't dull, get in touch!

The application form is online at http://m80398.wix.com/tedxpitsmoor, or contact the Facebook group TEDxPitsmoor

This document was last modified on 2016-10-12 12:44:37.