Story & photo: Philip Ireson
The Queen is visiting Sheffield Cathedral on Maundy Thursday, 2nd April 2015, and we were delighted to find out that our very own Derwent Levick is going to be one of the recipients recognised by the Queen with an award of Maundy money.
This is an ancient ceremony in which the monarch gives out specially minted money to 178 individuals over the age of seventy who have been of service to the Diocese. This year 89 men and 89 women will each receive 89 Maundy coins (one for each year the Queen has lived).
Christ Church has many reasons to be grateful to Derwent and Jennie for the many tasks they have quietly and humbly performed in the church over the past 25 years. Derwent says that he and his wife Jennie are ‘tickled pink’ at being selected for the honour, and has written this in his letter back to the palace.
Derwent worked in a steel making firm in Sheffield before moving to become a tomato grower in Guernsey. He then returned to Sheffield where he has been a Reader at Christ Church, Pitsmoor, for 25 years.
Derwent explains the work he is being honoured for in the church as “a Cathedral guide and welcomer, lesson reader, and steward” and he also sits on the committee of the Friends of the Cathedral. “I help the Seniors Action Team and also help once a month with the evening meal for the Archer Project, working with the homeless.”