The chronic pain group has been well attended with women from local surgeries and self-referrals. The group is supported by Somshun and Page Hall Practice Champions Glynnis and Nasra. This has been a great opportunity for people who suffer from chronic pain to get together and share tips on managing pain, discuss pacing, relaxation and stress relief. We now fund a professional masseuse to come monthly for personalised massages.
Our ladies say:
“Lynn really empathises with our pain and understands what we are going through.”
“I feel like I can really relax here with people who understand what I am going through.”
“I have never missed a session and always look forward to the next one.”
Come along to our free Pain Support Group, make some new friends and learn new tips on how to manage your pain.
Sessions at Sorby House
Tuesdays 12.30 – 2.30pm
Fortnightly on 7th April, 21st April, 5th May, 19th May, 2nd June, 16th June and 30th June
New sessions at St Cuthbert's Church
Tuesdays 12.30 – 2.30pm
14th April, 12th May and 16th June
We look forward to seeing you there!