A busy year at Crabtree Ponds

Crabtree Ponds
Crabtree Ponds

Story: Graham Jones | Photo:Anwar Suliman

Crabtree Ponds are designated as a Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve. On 12th January a meeting took place for local people to discuss future plans for the reserve with Rob Miller and Sarah Sidgwick from the Trust.

These plans include the installation of new railings (designed with local schools and youth groups), updated interpretation features, and the creation of a wildflower meadow area at the site's entrance. Future plans will include the construction of a new boardwalk around the main pond, some tree felling and clearing.

There has been some tree damage during winter storms. Japanese knotweed appears to be under control but concerns were expressed about the spread of ivy over the site. School holiday events are planned for children and young people. Small mammal, fungi, butterfly and moth surveys will take place later in the year.

Of course, the regular maintenance on the first Monday of every month will continue. All volunteers are very welcome to come and help.

You can find Crabtree Ponds Nature Reserve just off Barnsley Road, opposite Osgathorpe Road. It is a beautiful place to visit and a haven for wildlife; so whatever the season there is always something interesting to discover.

For more information contact nature.reserves@wildsheffield.com, phone 0114 263 4335 or visit the website http:www.wildsheffield.com/reserves/crabtree-ponds

This document was last modified on 2016-10-07 12:07:53.