Story by Osama Maghder Montfort
Photo by Shuna Beckett
In March ‘Activity Sheffield’ funding for the Health Walks initiative was cut, but Burngreave’s dedicated group continue to keep their walk going. They are making long term plans and in the meantime, invite people to join them on their twice-weekly walks.
Group leaders Francis and Diz Feeley spoke to the Messenger about their involvement:
Francis explained that Health Walks are a very simple stepping stone back to health. Health walks help not just with exercise, but with social isolation too.
“We found that walking was good for my injury, but other people have other reasons, like loneliness. For some people the Community Health Walks are the only time they go outside, and some clients even come with their oxygen cylinders!”
“We walk around Pitsmoor. There are two groups – one short walk around Abbeyfield Park, and another 2km walk. Then we end in the Abbeyfield Park House having refreshments.”
Burngreave was chosen as a pilot for the national initiative by the British Heart Foundation 17 years ago, which was set up in conjunction with Pitsmoor Surgery. Sheffield was the first city in England to found a Community Health Walk.
Walks happen twice a week, meeting outside Pitsmoor Surgery Tuesdays 1.30pm, and outside Firshill School Thursday 10.30am. You can refer yourself on the walks but if you have any medical concerns please check with your doctor first.
For more details contact Val Ellis on 0114 276 2644 or email