Memories down Owler Lane

Jayne Iles
Jayne Iles
Janette Palmer
Janette Palmer

Story by Carrie Hedderwick

How brilliant to be the person asked to interview two retiring staff stars from Owler Brook School who remember when my son was at Infant School – he’s 34!

Janette Palmer and Jayne Iles went to school together and started work at Owler Brook Infant and Nursery (as then was) School in 1989/1991.

Their own children attended Owler Brook and have been part of huge changes at the school which now takes children aged 3- 11 and has moved from Owler Lane to Wensley Street.

‘Sorry you’re leaving’ banners decorated the playground for the end of year staff meeting. The headteacher, Mrs Bridges, praised Janette and Jayne, nicknamed Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, who are finally retiring.

Mrs Bridges heaped affectionate praise on them both – Janette for the total support she has given as a Level 3 teaching assistant – so calm, and so pleasant; Jayne for the range of jobs well done – in the office first, before also becoming a teaching assistant.

At the school’s Queen’s Jubilee celebration Jayne donned a regal hat, frock and handbag, and with a well-practised wave, convinced many that royalty had come to Fir Vale.

And just to continue the tradition – one of Janette’s sons is currently working at Owler Brook. Best wishes to both from the Messenger.

This document was last modified on 2016-09-28 11:14:49.