Future of Junior chess in Burngreave

Future of junior chess in Burngreave?

Did you know that chess was on the curriculum in Burngreave primary schools? For two years the charity ‘Chess in Schools and Communities’ ran classes for children aged between seven and nine. Hundreds of local children learned how to play and enjoy chess. Hopefully the experience also had positive impacts on their creativity and imagination, concentration and behaviour, as well as cognitive and social skills.

It has since been hard to sustain chess opportunities for local children, but hopefully local teachers will consider the benefits of chess for children: it would be wonderful to see the revival of school chess clubs and competitions.

Summer chess club

The final sessions of the junior chess club at Burngreave Library (Sorby House, Spital Hill) will take place on Saturday mornings 10.00-11.15am on 30th July. All juniors are welcome.

June chess puzzle winner and solution

Just one person (Nicholas Sanderson) found the correct solution to this tough puzzle: 1.Rb8 threatening 2.Qg7 mate – and if 1…Qxb8 2.Nxf7 mate.

The latest chess competition can be accessed via the pdf link on page 22 of the pdf below.

Junior Chess Club at Burngreave Library (Sorby House)
10:00am to 11:15am Saturday 30 July 2016
This document was last modified on 2016-07-26 13:54:14.