You've got skills

Story & photo:Nichola Thorpe

The Skills Swap Group at Burngreave Children’s Centre has proved to be a great success, with growing numbers each week. It is a project designed by Hannah Adewale who is volunteering for SOAR as a Health Champion. Hannah is doing a Master’s degree in occupational therapy and was inspired to create a project that could be taken over by the community.

Everybody who participates is encouraged to share a skill in a confidential and safe environment. Confidence is already growing amongst people who did not feel their skills were worth sharing!

Skills swapped so far have included languages, games and tips, with the focus very much on what the participants want. It is clear that there is a lot of talent in Burngreave.

For more details, please contact Michaela Harmston at SOAR on 0114 213 4075 or uk.

Skills being swapped
Skills being swapped
This document was last modified on 2016-09-28 13:47:51.