Sheffield Roma network

Story:Tim Neal

Since June 2015 Andy Christian has been employed at the Pakistan Advice & Community Association (PACA) to develop the Sheffield Roma Network. Andy, previously a Cohesion Officer at Sheffield City Council, explains that the aim of the project is to ensure the Roma community have a voice in Sheffield and that their presence is represented and taken into account. In preparation for the role Andy visited Roma groups in Luton, Derby, Manchester and Bradford. He learned that for the network to be successful, it needs to be developed from the ground up.

“It’s about the Roma doing something for themselves rather than people doing things to or for them. My ultimate aim is for the whole thing to be run by the Roma community and for me to make myself redundant! I am facilitating it, developing and guiding the process.”

The Sheffield Roma Network is made up of a number of Roma facilitators/volunteers from across Sheffield. The aim is to improve communication between the Roma community and organisations like the Council and emergency services, and to develop knowledge amongst the Roma of how to address problems for themselves.

The project is supported by a website developed by Tomas Tancos, a Roma young man also employed at PACA.

To find out more visit the website, Sheffield Roma Network on Facebook or email

This document was last modified on 2016-01-19 18:14:48.