Love food, hate waste

Story:Saleema Imam

Photo:Michelle Cook

Despite a husky throat Peter Hellawell delivered a lively, informative session about the Love Food, Hate Waste project to an enthusiastic group on Wednesday, November 4th at Burngreave Vestry Hall.

An array of materials were provided for us to cascade down to our local communities – leaflets, posters, recipes for leftovers, top tips and video clips, all showing how much money can be saved by minimising waste and helping reduce climate change at the same time.

Some shocking facts revealed that wasted food costs the average household £470 per year and that in total homes in the UK waste around £12.5 billion worth of food. We went away clutching certificates proving we too now have the knowledge to help others to hate food waste.

If you want to know more visit the Love Food Hate Waste website at for recipes, waste reduction tips and more.

This document was last modified on 2016-01-19 18:30:29.