Yemeni Community Association Vacancies

Job Vacancies

We are seeking the following staff to join our team.

Restart Project manager

£21,560 (Pro rata)30hrs per week Term Time only

(Fixed until 30th July and renewed subject to the continuation of funding)

We are looking for a motivated and strategic individual that will take the lead role to develop the restart project and build its strategic capacity. We are looking for someone that has the experience of effectively managing a team of staff. The role will also require the development of a tailored educational programme of support, developing a structured timetable and working with the chief executive and partners to grow the service.

Fundraising officer

£27,300 (pro-rata)

18 hrs per week

One year contract

An experienced fundraiser is required to raise and secure grants for existing and newly developed projects

For an application pack or to discuss the posts in more detail please contact Abi on 0794 016 4884 or

Deadline: 15/1/2015 at 4pm

Interviews: w/c 18/1/2015

This document was last modified on 2015-12-28 16:26:26.