Spring stroll at Crabtree Ponds and Roe Woods

Spring Stroll at Crabtree Pond and Roe Woods organised by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Thursday 14th April 2016.

10:00am – 12:00pm

The days are beginning to lengthen and new shoots are coming. Join local ecologist Julie Riley for a gentle spring stroll looking for signs of spring in Crabtree Ponds and Roe Woods.

This walk is part of the Wild at Heart project and has been funded by the Big Lottery.

Book by phone 0114 263 4335

Book by email j.king@wildsheffield.com

https://www.wildsheffield.com/events/2016/04/14/spring-stroll-crabtree-pond-an d- roe-woods-0?instance=0

Please arrive about 15mins before 10.00 to meet Jenny and Julie so that we may leave on time.

Spring stroll at Crabrtree Ponds and Roe Woods
10:00am to 12:00pm Thursday 14 April 2016
This document was last modified on 2016-04-04 19:52:26.