Carwood TARA relaunch celebration

Barbeque at Carwood TARA relaunch party
Barbeque at Carwood TARA relaunch party
Bouncy castle at the Carwood TARA relaunch party
Bouncy castle at the Carwood TARA relaunch party

After a period of relative inactivity for a few months, Carwood TARA now have a new committee in place and are planning future activities in the area.

On Thursday afternoon, 3rd October 2014, a well attended celebration party for the relaunch was held in the Carwood Community Room and outside in Carwood Green, in bright sunny weather. Several familes from the Carwood community attended and enjoyed meeting up with other tenants and residents from the area. Tea and cakes were served in the community room by Elsie, Jill and Jean, and a barbeque, organised by Ron, served up sausages and burgers (including halal options).

Around 20 children enjoyed jumping around in the bouncy castle and several had their faces painted.

A number ongoing activities are planned for the future:

Anyone living in the Carwood area is very welcome to join in any of these activities and also to take part in the work of the TARA committee.

Carwood TARA litter pick
10:30am to 12:00pm Wednesday 29 October 2014
This document was last modified on 2014-10-09 16:02:15.