Website-exclusive news from the Burngreave Messenger in September 2014.
October 2014 News
- Children clean up
Children from Pitsmoor Adventure Playground are becoming active citizens. The children aged between 8-13 have become so fed up with people dumping rubbish they arranged a community clean up.
- Domestic Abuse Awareness training
Domestic Abuse, Risk Assessment & MARAC on Wednesday 24th November 2014,9.30am-4.30pm
- Coffee Mornings at Verdon Recreation Centre
Wednesdays 10:00am – 12:00pm
The coffee mornings offer: advocacy support, weight management and arts and crafts.
Women can come along to a drop in every Wednesday to find information they might need from Shena Moore. This will sometimes include visits from different health professionals who can give advice on health issues.
- Exercise groups at Verdon Recreation Centre
Badminton and Zumba exercise groups at Verdon Recreation Centre
- Cook & Eat Session
Women will have the chance to learn how to cook more healthily. Health Trainer and Development Worker, Somshun Nessa, will be sharing her expertise on healthy eating, and encouraging women to share their knowledge and recipes.
- Pain Support Group
This is an opportunity for those who suffer from Pain to socialise with like-minded people and gain new skills to self-manage Pain. Including workshops around pain management, relaxation, massages and meditation.
- Parkwood Springs activities
The Friends of Parkwood Spirings are organising a regular work day on Saturday 25th October 2014 and a Friends Group meeting on Thursday 6th November.
- Parkwood Springs former residents meeting
Former residents of Parkwood Springs are meeting together to record their memories.
- Kids Create: Half-term make and do workshops
For children aged between 4 and 12. Children will be able to engage in, and enjoy creative activities in a safe, fun environment. The sessions are based on themed days which will be both indoor and outdoor. 28th,29th and 30th October 2014 at the Scout Hut, Holtwood Road.
- JOBS: Teaching Assistants with Gypsy/Roma as their first language
Closing date is 24th October
Teaching Assistants – Level 1 (Temporary Contracts)
Grade/salary: Level 1-Grade 2 £13,321 pa (£6.90 pr hr)
Location: Firs Hill Community Primary School
Hours to suit candidates can be arranged
- "What is Health Course?" postponed
Due to the national strike on Tuesday 14th October the first session will be on Tuesday 21 October 2014 at St Cuthbert’s Church 9:30am till 11:30am.
- Writing our Lives
A Creative Writing Workshop. A practical and supportive course organised in terms of weekly themes chosen to help you develop your confidence in writing.
- Introduction to Volunteering in Schools
This FREE short course will give students the knowledge, skills and understanding to support children’s learning through a range of fun and practical activities.
- Friends of Firth Park news and events - Autumn 2014
News, events and information from the Friends of Firth Park for the autumn of 2014.
- Carwood TARA relaunch celebration
After a period of relative inactivity for a few months, Carwood TARA now have a new committee in place and are planning future activities in the area.
On Thursday afternoon, 3rd October 2014, a well attended celebration party for the relaunch was held in the Carwood Community Room and outside in Carwood Green, in bright sunny weather.
- The Multifaith Forest Garden at Parkwood Springs
You are invited to join the Multifaith Forest Gardening day at Parkwood Springs.
- Free "What is Health Course?"
The programme aims to enable participants to reflect on achievements and to move forward in different aspects of their personal lives. Participants will be developing better understanding of themselves by exploring the subject of Health and Wellbeing and raise their aspirations.
- Friends of Burngreave Cemetry: Apple Day
Friends of Burngreave Cemetry will be holding their annual Apple Day on Sunday 5th October
- Free Sports Clubs in Burngreave
You can decide what sports you want to do at these FREE weekly sports sessions.
- Wensley Street Activities
Activity Sheffield on Tour-Come down, try new activities, meet friends and feel great with people just like you!
- Black History Month 2014 launch
SADACCA in association with other community organisations will be holding a series Black History Month events. This year's theme ‘Peace in troubled times’ and will be launched on Sunday 5th October 2014.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2014-10-01 11:49:15.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2014-10-30 13:56:14.
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The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.