October 2014 Issue 114
October 2014 Issue 114

- Council rejects Burngreave Library plan
Sheffield City Council have rejected a plan by local residents to keep Burngreave Library open and staffed.
- Messenger funding comes to an end
After 15 brilliant years and so much contribution from so many people, the Messenger’s current funding has come to an end and there will be no December edition.
- Shirecliffe 20mph zone
20mph speed limits could be introduced in Shirecliffe by March to help prevent deaths on residential roads.
- Winter gritting cuts
As autumn approaches, the Council is already planning next year’s budget cuts and this will mean fewer streets being gritted in times of snow and ice.
- House building to begin on Catherine Street
Construction of 16 new homes is expected to begin at the end of September on vacant land at Catherine Street.
- Messenger editorial
Messenger AGM to decide the future of the Burngreave Messenger Saturday 15th November 2014, 11am followed by lunch at Abbeyfield Park House. All are welcome!
- Gaza fundraiser
The community of Burngreave united with one another on Sunday 31st August in the Vestry Hall, for an event which aimed to raise money for people in Gaza. The fundraiser was in aid of restoring the orphanage ‘UNRWA’ after the tragedies which befell Gaza, Palestine in recent months
- Roma musical heritage film
Two young men from Burngreave are the stars of a new film exploring the cultural and musical traditions of Sheffield's Roma community.
- Readers rise to the challenge
Burngreave Library was busy with children during the summer holidays. Many were encouraged to keep reading by the Library Service’s Summer Reading Challenge. The Burngreave Messenger and Pitsmoor Adventure Playground also provided activities based on this year’s reading theme, the Mythical Maze.
- Language Futures at Byron Wood
The pupils of Byron Wood Primary School have been using a new approach to language learning with the help of a £10,000 grant from The Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
- Normandy Veterans’ Association to disband
Local Burngreave resident, Ken Riley (pictured), who is the chairman of the Sheffield branch of the Normandy Veterans' Association, tells me that the national association is to disband in November, although local groups, like the one in Sheffield, will be free to continue meeting informally for mutual support and social gatherings.
- Oromo Association visit Scarborough
On August 16th, Sheffield Oromo Community Association (representing Oromo people from Ethiopia, northern Kenya and Somalia) organised a visit to Scarborough for our members, young and old.
- Feeling Good again on Verdon Street
Story & photo: Lisa Swift There will be lots of chances to feel good at Verdon Recreation Centre, after Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association secured a further 2 years funding for the health project, Feeling Good on Verdon Street.
- Fir Vale youth group holds conference
Fir Vale based voluntary youth group An Nasiha organised another successful youth conference, entitled You vs Dunya (the world).
- Somali Professionals Association
The Somali Professionals Association (SPA) is running a series of business, education and healthrelated workshops over the next few months.
- Head shave for Ghana
Some of you may have seen the Messenger article about 15 Fir Vale students going to build an orphanage in Ghana. If you didn't, then now you know!I was one of those students.
- Anne and Gladys retire
Anne Sheldon and Gladys Newbolt have retired from the Wensley Tenants and Residents Association (TARA). After many years spent devoted to the organisation they spoke to me about the highlights and memories of their years at the TARA.
- New Carwood Committee
In August Carwood Tenants and Residents Association formed a new committee of 6 local residents.
- Nottingham Rec barbecue
Ant Stevens, youth worker at Christ Church, organised a joint community event with young people from All Saints Church, Ecclesall, at the end of July. The team spent two days doing practical tasks, including litter picking, and learning about Pitsmoor.
- Churches work together for the summer
7th–10th August were four days of fun, food and friendship. The venue was the beautiful St Peter’s church at Ellesmere.
- Welcome Centre Toddler Group
The multicultural Toddler Group at The Welcome Centre is open again after the summer break for preschoolers 0–4 years old.
- Support to improve your health
The SOAR Health Team's job is to work with the people of Burngreave, Pitsmoor and Page Hall areas.
- Health Courses and Support Groups
Help improve your health and wellbeing with access to local activities, courses and services
- Parkwood landfill closer to closure
The company that operates Parkwood landfill site stopped the tipping of “active waste” at the site from 1st August 2014.
- Party in Devon Gardens
On Saturday 13th September from 2-4pm, neighbours got together to attend the annual general meeting of the Friends of Devon Gardens.
- Crabtree Ponds
Crabtree Ponds is Burngreave's best kept secret and an important local green space. The local nature reserve around the ponds is managed by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust.
- Playground funday
During a brilliant summer at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground Joanna Harrison and Jessica Lonsdale helped organise a funday, where they shaved their heads raising £540 for the Mummy’s Star Charity.
- Fire safety at the Playground
Pitsmoor Adventure Playground staff have put together a programme of fire safety and fun with fire events. The Adventure Playground have secured a grant and formed a partnership with South Yorkshire Fire Service.
- Sponsored run for the Playground
I'm running in the Great Yorkshire Run 10K race on the 28th of September to raise money towards equipment at the playground.
- SADACCA International Community Cultural Day
Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association (SADACCA), with the support of community partners, held its annual International Community Cultural Day on 25th August, an opportunity to experience the diversity of cultures in Sheffield. It was attended by The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor Peter Rippon.
- Fir Vale funday
During the summer holidays the Yemeni Community Association had a family funday at Fir Vale Community Centre.
- George & Brian: hair-brained
by Edgar Lowman
- Pye Bank welcomes new headteacher
Pye Bank Primary School welcomed new headteacher Mo Andrews in September, following the retirement of Paul Hopkinson in January.
- Oasis Fir Vale opens
On Monday 8th September, a brand new building on Owler Lane – Oasis Academy Fir Vale – opened to provide primary education, including 60 places in reception and 52 nursery places.
- Family Learning at Firs Hill
An exciting six week family learning course called “Talking Together” started on Wednesday 17th September at Firs Hill Primary School
- Wensley community funday
On September 13th, the annual community funday was in full swing. The event, hosted on the Wensley field, was packed with exciting activities, including rock climbing, parachute games and face painting
- Whiteways ESOL visit Wentworth
On 25th June I took a group of Whiteways School Adult ESOL learners to Wentworth Gardens and Farm for a morning.
- Eco friendly family learning
A group of parents at Whiteways School have done an amazing Family Learning course called Eco Monster.
- Keep warm this winter and save money on your bills
As winter approaches, it's time to think about how to keep warm and cosy without huge energy bills. Whether you are a tenant, landlord, or home-owner, energy efficiency doesn't have to cost a fortune.
- Earl Marshal housing
Local residents were eager to see the latest proposals for the Earl Marshal housing development when they were unveiled by Sheffield Housing Company at a well-attended consultation afternoon in August
- Residents’ meeting for the Scott Road area
On 10th September a group of Burngreave residents met to discuss problems that had been happening on our streets.
- Summer activities in Burngreave Cemetery
The WW1 postcard exhibition was enjoyed by visitors during its three day opening and most of the display is still available to view on Sundays. As part of the WW1 event, we created a small well dressing inspired by one of the postcards.
- HOPE Allotment Volunteers wanted
The Conservation Volunteers community allotment project is getting nicely established now and we would love more volunteers to get involved
- Greenfingers 10th anniversary
It’s been 10 years since Burngreave New Deal for Communities provided the capital for SAGE Greenfingers to landscape 3 allotments in Grimesthorpe into a therapeutic space for adults struggling with mental health issues
- Burngreave Ward Public Meeting
Thursday 16th October 2014 at Burngreave Vestry Hall.
- Councillor Surgeries
Local councillors, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain and Talib Hussain share surgeries on a rota basis.
- What do you think our priorities should be?
Burngreave Ward Councillors would like to know what you feel the priorities are in the ward that together need to be tackled.
- Vestry Hall: serving the community for 150 years
Burngreave Vestry Hall is 150 years old The offices were built and opened in 1864, the year carved in stone over the main entrance.
- Abbeyfield Park House sundial
The sundial has recently been returned to its place on the corner of the house in Abbeyfield park after the recent maintenance works.
- Richard Hanson 1968–2014
Around 300 people packed the parish church, Christ Church Pitsmoor, last month for the funeral of Richard Hanson, who died on 14th August at the age of 45.
- Spital Hill art
Artworks commissioned to complement improvements to Spital Hill and Ellesmere Green are nearing completion with two new metal sculptures expected to be installed by the middle of October.
- International Meal
The International Meal is held on the first Thursday of the month at the Welcome Centre, Christchurch, Pitsmoor. T
- Cheap Thrills
A big thank you to the enthusiastic crowd that filled Burngreave Cemetery Chapel for the 4th Cheap Thrills, Zero Budget Film Festival.
- Dear Messenger...
Can anything be done to counteract the latest spate of tree vandalism in our area?
- Burngreave Local History Group
Burngreave Local History Group meets once a month at St Catherine's school.
- FREE women only English and citizenship programmes
Do you want to learn English? Do you want to learn about citizenship? Then join the FREE, WOMEN ONLY training programmes at Burngreave Vestry Hall.
- New Neighbourhood Watch Group
Are you bothered by crime and unsociable behaviour?
- Remember the 1940s night
There will be food, singing and dancing. Come along in period clothing, though this is optional. Everybody welcome.
- Get involved Whiteways Primary Governing Body
Whiteways Primary School would like to involve individuals who have particular skills to support the school and make sure that all our children achieve their potential.
- Burngreave Work Club
Burngreave Work Club offers support to the local community in finding employment and training.
- Seasonal flu vaccinations
Drop-in clinics for patients of Burngreave Surgery and Herries Road Surgery. Dr Mooney and Dr Hobden would like to invite you to attend for a seasonal flu vaccination.
We are holding drop-in clinics at both surgeries
- Cemetery Chapel Autumn activities
Events at the Cemetery Chapel from October through to November 2014.
- There's a new way to quit smoking
Yorkshire Smokefree Sheffield provides NHS advice and support – including nicotine replacement therapy – for anyone who wants to stop smoking. Available online, on the phone or in person. *Quit in September/October and WIN free SWFC tickets.
- Messy Church September to December
Creative family church with arts and crafts, music and food!
- JOBS at Watoto: 2 Early Years Practitioners
Watoto Pre-School are seeking to appoint two enthusiastic and dynamic Early Years Practitioners.
Full-time posts. 38 weeks per year (term time only)
Pay £10,000 – £14,000 per year (dependent on experience and qualifications)
Closing date Friday 10th October 2014
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2014-09-25 14:08:21.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2014-09-29 05:33:38.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.