Playground for all

Cycle workshop
Cycle workshop
Children with Easter eggs
Children with Easter eggs

Story: Mrs Mahmood

With its large outdoor play area and staff that are really welcoming and friendly, Pitsmoor Adventure Playground is a playground for everyone.

I spoke to manager Patrick Meleady about what has been going on recently.

“We have been running a number of activities to celebrate the area's cultural heritage. At Easter, we were visited by the Manager of Tesco, who kindly donated 20 Easter Eggs and for St. George’s Day children made swords, shields and masks, everything was provided by us for free.”

To celebrate the arrival of the Tour de France, Saleema Imam and Patrick Amber have been showing children and families how to make cycling themed decorations.

“We want to make sure that families are always welcome on the playground. During one of these workshops we received a surprise visit from BBC Radio Sheffield who wanted to support our activities.”

St George'e Day at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground
St George'e Day at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground

The playground is also trying to raise children's awareness of the environment and has been putting up bird boxes on trees, which got a very good response from the community.

Laura Watkins, playground development manager said,

“We are working with Sheffield United, Ellesmere Youth Project, the MAST team and local residents to improve our playground and develop exciting opportunities for our visitors.”

One of the many children on the playground when I visited, Michael Kral said, “The playground is really good. It's fun and we can play pool here too!”

The playground is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 3.15 – 6.15pm and Saturdays 12.30 – 3.30pm.

Please come along and join in the fun!

This document was last modified on 2014-06-03 16:57:51.