Domestic Abuse Awareness

Domestic abuse or violence can happen to anyone. It often happens more than once and tends to get worse over time. Domestic abuse is physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse that takes place in an intimate or family relationship.

Abuse is not just physical, it is often part of a pattern of bullying and controlling behaviour. How do we know whether a family member or close friend is suffering abuse? What are the signs?

General warning signs

People who are being abused may:

Warning signs of psychological abuse:

Warning signs of isolation:

Warning signs of physical violence:

sleeves in the summer or sunglasses indoors.

If you feel you know someone who is going through some form of abuse, express your concerns, try and offer help, listen to them, reassure confidentiality, and support his or her decisions.

Local women only support group

Contact Somshun Nessa, Community Development Worker for Burngreave Healthy Communities Programme:

Domestic Abuse Helpline and support

Sheffield Domestic Abuse Partnership offers a range of support services:

Punjabi, Urdu and Mirpuri interpreters will be arranged if required.

In an emergency ring 999.

This document was last modified on 2014-06-05 16:35:04.