Chocolicious Byron Wood

Chocolate Factory
Chocolate Factory

Story: Imaan Sadique

On the 8th and 9th of April, Y3s and Y4s from Byron Wood Primary School, performed the classic chocolicious Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The entertaining Eamie Hopkins played Violet Beauregarde, she had a sticky end. The talented Ayub Saleh played the TV loving Mike Teavee. Ismail Yussuf played Charlie Bucket really well. Khalid Johar played Augustus Gloop the greedy brute. I played the conceited, obnoxious Veruca Salt (I'm nothing like her, apparently I played the part really well!).

The extraordinarly talented Filsan Issa played Willy Wonka who was a hit. Everyone put 100 percent effort into their roles so we only had 4 weeks to practise.

We got so much feedback from the teachers; all thanks to our drama teacher Ms Serano, she put the show on the road. No one forgot their lines or cues in the middle of a scene, that's why the show was so successful.

We made people laugh out loud (LOL). I think the show was better than any show that has taken place in Byron Wood! I'm looking forward to writing about our next successful show.

This document was last modified on 2014-06-03 16:38:26.