June 2014 issue 112

- Residents raise money for the Library
Local residents have been working hard to raise money for Burngreave Library, to help keep it open and staffed.
- Khat ban begins 24th June 2014
Police representatives attended a government briefing at the Home Office in May to hear the latest on the date for banning the stimulant herb, Khat, which is now likely to come into force on Tuesday 24th June.
- Elections
In local elections, Councillor Talib Hussain was re-elected for the Burngreave ward with 34% of registered voters going to the ballot box. UKIP came second for the first time, with TUSC (Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts) candidate Maxine Bowler in third.
- Concessionary travel cuts U-turn
As reported in the last issue, thousands of older and disabled people were affected by restrictions to concessionary bus and train travel. These are to be lifted from 8th June.
- Messenger editorial
Now that summer is here, it is time to get out and about to all the festivals and events in the area.
- Sheffield supports Somaliland
On Wednesday 2nd April, at the Full Council meeting, councillors voted to support the campaign to have Somaliland recognised as a sovereign state.
- Positive future for Roma church
A church, set up by the Roma community in Firth Park, has been celebrating the arrival of their new Pastor. Local residents have been running the church without a spiritual leader for over 3 years
- Firshill residents remembered
In December, Firshill residents reported to the Messenger that a tree had been stolen. The tree was significant to local people as it had been bought and planted by active community member
- Ellesmere Green is finished
In early May, the construction of Ellesmere Green was finished and people began to enjoy the green straight away.
- Help keep Ellesmere Green and Spital Hill clean and tidy
Now that the works to improve Ellesmere Green have been completed, we want to make sure that its stays clean and tidy.
- Vicar walks coast to coast
Philip Ireson, Vicar at Christ Church Pitsmoor recently walked from Robin Hood's Bay on the east coast to St Bees Head in Cumbria
- New allotment flag
Kimmy Hall, 8, creates winning flag design for Grimesthorpe Allotments Society.
- Family Fun Day
The sun dappled across Firth Park on 3rd May as women and children of all ages flocked to the Clock Tower to support Saalik Education in their Family Fun Day.
- Pete and Donna raise £1000
Pete and Donna Lloyd, from the Wensley estate, have raised £1000 for a girl called Kendal Middleton Jessop.
- Paul's trip to Slovakia
Paul Howard is driving a Volkswagen Golf 2500 miles to Slovakia to raise money for St Lukes' Hospice.
- Normandy veterans return after 70 years
Local heroes of the Normandy landings in 1944 tell their stories.
- Margaret Dufty of the ATS
Margaret Dufty recalls her days in the ATS in World War Two.
- Landlord licensing begins
Representatives of landlords in Page Hall presented a petition to Cabinet on 16th April in a lastditch attempt to raise concerns about the controversial Selective Licensing scheme a week before its introduction on 22nd April.
- New homes update
Sheffield Housing Company have restated their commitment to develop empty land at Earl Marshal Road, but it is unlikely to begin before the end of 2014.
- Unrest in Page Hall
A fight between two boys in Page Hall at about 7pm on Monday 19th May, escalated into fighting which involved around 25 men.
- Healthy Fasting Tips
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and in Muslim tradition is a time of heightened commitment to piety and purification
- Domestic Abuse Awareness
Domestic abuse or violence can happen to anyone. How do we know whether a family member or close friend is suffering abuse? What are the signs?
- Black men walk for health
Ten years ago, a group of African and African- Caribbean middle-aged men came up with an ambitious idea to get 100 black men in Sheffield walking for health. A decade on, the group is continuing with these health walks in green spaces in Sheffield and the wider countryside.
- Rambling on
Sheffield is the greenest city in the UK. Even within walking distance of Burngreave, there is a wide variety of landscapes, from the beauty of Roe Woods to the tranquil and pleasant walkways along the River Don.
- Fir Vale School go to Ghana
After ten months of preparation and fundraising, students from Fir Vale School eventually topped our £28,000 target. Fir Vale were off to Ghana!
- Mother's Day celebrated
Over 80 mothers and their families enjoyed a Mothers’ Day meal at SADACCA in March.
- Chocolicious Byron Wood
On the 8th and 9th of April, Y3s and Y4s from Byron Wood Primary School, performed the classic chocolicious Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
- Friendship week back again
Owler Brook Primary School took part in Friendship Week in April.
- The X Factor judges arrive
Every Easter the Eggs Factor is held on the last day of school at Owler Brook Primary School.
- George and Brian: Tour de Burngreave
Cartoon characters George and Brian prepare for the tour de france visit.
- Reflections on Oak Tree High School
Oak Tree Girls High School , an independent Islamic school, run by the Yorkshire Muslim Academy was opened in September 2011 on Petre Street.
- Radio Ramadhan 87.7FM
Radio Ramadhan is an annual radio station, on air during the month of Ramadhan. The station, formed in 2000, strengthens bonds within the community during Ramadhan and many presenters are volunteers from Burngreave and Fir Vale.
- Easter Fayre
An Easter Fayre was held in Burngreave Vestry Hall to raise money for Burngreave Library
- Playground for all
Pitsmoor Adventure Playground activities
- Rainbows End access problems
Rainbows End charity shop on Spital Hill, which has occupied part of Sorby House since December 2008, is experiencing problems in accessing storage space and the refuse disposal area
- Pilsung Taekwondo success
Pilsung students, based at Verdon Recreation Centre competed at Concord Leisure Centre on 13th April 2014, the youngest players from the club joining 200 competitors from all over the country.
- Sea Cadets’ awards
Sheffield Sea Cadets, based on Stanley Street near the Wicker, received the Lord Mayor, Councillor Vickie Priestley, in April, to present the Cadet of the Year Awards.
- Scout leaders awarded
Scout leaders Jim Gilbert and Andrew Papka from the 76th St Peter's Ellesmere Scouts were presented with the Silver Acorn in April, an award for specially distinguished service for a period of not less than twenty years.
- Award for refugee group
The Sheffield Oromo Community Association won the award for “Refugee Community Group of the Decade” in March, as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Gateway Project, which supports refugee communities in Sheffield.
- Harvesting Our Heritage
The Harvesting Our Heritage project is bringing together people from different backgrounds and ages to discuss their knowledge of plants and uses
- Burngreave Ward Public Meeting
Shirecliffe Community Centre Thursday 26th June,6.00pm – 8.00pm Shirecliffe Road, Sheffield S5 8XJ
- Councillor Surgeries
Your local councillors, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain and Talib Hussain (left to right) share surgeries on a rota basis.
- The Cornerstone
At the junction of Carwood Road and Grimesthorpe Road stands a building known as the Cornerstone. It is home to the 76th Scouts and is also used as a polling station. But what about its history?
- Abuse of the vulnerable
There have recently been two major cases of abuse in nursing homes in our neighbourhood, which have gone to court.
- Thinking of stopping smoking?
Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do not only for your own body’s health, but because of the dangers of second hand smoke, for the health of your family too.
- Learning about play
A ‘Play for Fun’ course for the ‘Feeling Good on Verdon Street’ volunteers has been hosted by Sheffield Out of School Network.
something-from-nothing, using our own imaginations; creating hideaways; dressing up; creating a fairground and a 3D zoo!
- Zero Budget Films Wanted
Cheap Thrills the Zero Budget Film Festival is back.
- Cemetery bees
Burngreave Cemetery got its first colony of bees in May
- Prayers for Nigeria
One of the major headlines recently has been the abduction of 270 girls from Chibok School in north-eastern Nigeria. John Mellor writes of a similar event which occurred in Zimbabwe in March 1978.
- Ellesmere Park
Charlie Johnson emails the Messenger in the hope that the problems with dog poo at Ellesmere Park can be mentioned. Graham Jones looked into the issue for the Burngreave Messenger…
- Wood Hill developments
Development at Wood Hill on Grimesthorpe Road has progressed over the past few years, however, work on the site has come to a standstill.
- Appetiser Afternoons
The Primary Mental Health Care Project at Pitsmoor Surgery is starting a small group providing information sessions on Looking After Yourself.
- Dementia? Welcome! Cafe Open Day
Dementia? Welcome! is a weekly café for people who have memory problems, their carers, family and friends. It provides an opportunity to meet other people in a similar situation and get some support and information in a friendly, welcoming place over a cup of tea.
- Free Weekly Chairobics Sessions
All are welcome to join this gentle exercise group run by Activity Sheffield.
- SACMHA - Health and Social Care
SACMHA is part of the new integrated Carers in Sheffield Service working within a consortium of other voluntary sector organisations, to provide support to carers citywide.
- Tour De France Day at Burngreave Cemetery Chapel
Find out what's happening at Burngreave Cemetery Chapel for Tour De France Day.
- History book launch at Burngreave Cemetery Chapel
21st June: A display and launch of a new book about the history of the area in, around and under the cemetery.
- Firth Park Fun Day
Community stalls, dancing displays, fun fair rides, food stalls, sporting competitions, bike repair workshops, climbing wall and more.
- Parkwood E-Act Academy Community Summer Fair
Please come along and join us for a great family day out.
- Do you want to grow your own food?
Come along to our Community Allotment Just off Windmill Lane Every Wednesday 10am start
- Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival: The BIG Weekender 2014
As the official spectator hub to the Tour de France, this year's Abbeyfield Festival will take place over TWO days on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July.
- Burngreave International Markets launch
Celebrate the launch of the newly refurbished Ellesmere Green on Sunday 22nd June. Car Boot Sale at 7am.
- Burngreave TARA Newsletter
June 2014 edition of the newsletter from Burngreave TARA, a group of tenants and residents in Burngreave supported by Sheffield Housing Service.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Christine Steers
2014-05-29 14:10:41.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2014-06-03 17:13:13.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
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Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.