February 2014 Issue 110

- Fir Vale proposes admissions change
Fir Vale School is proposing a change to their admissions procedure from September 2015 to pursue a policy of “fair banding” and has issued a consultation document.
- M20 bus changes
From 27th January, the Hail-and- Ride M20 bus route was altered to run via Spital Hill, depriving Verdon Street of any buses at all.
- Flood defences “yes” vote
Businesses from Nursery St, the Wicker and Don Valley have voted to pay higher business rates so flood defences can go ahead.
- Housing moving to Sorby House early
Burngreave Housing Office will be moving to Sorby House ahead of schedule at the end of February.
- Editorial: Get involved in the Messenger
Editorial: The Messenger is put together with the help of volunteers. We also have several groups to join.
- A “horrible situation” for local libraries
Local residents joined hundreds of protesters outside Sheffield Town Hall on Wednesday 8th January in an attempt to save libraries from closure.
- Selective licensing outcome
The controversial landlord licensing scheme for Fir Vale was approved by Councillors at a Cabinet Meeting in January.
- Roadworks in Fir Vale
Work has been planned to start in March to resurface the roads and pavements and to upgrade street lights in Wincobank and surrounding areas.
- Fir Vale Primary
The construction of Fir Vale Primary School is well under way at Skinnerthorpe Road, with the building's steel frame now in place and with the remaining elements on target for completion by September.
- Concerns about Khat legal change
Government plans to ban khat have caused concern in Burngreave after Theresa May, the Home Secretary, announced plans to categorise it as a Class C drug.
- Plans for Spital Hill Works
Perched on the hillside overlooking the Wicker arches, Spital Hill Works was once home to a collection of Victorian manufacturers working in steel and silver. Now, after years lying almost completely empty and exposed to vandalism and fire, the crumbling remains of one of Spital Hill's most neglected buildings could be about to receive some much needed attention.
- Spital Hill shop fronts
Spital Hill businesses will receive investment to refurbish their shopfronts and regenerate the area.
- Earl Marshall Juniors Under 11s Look For Perfect Ten
The recent wet weather has led to a number of postponed football matches so local team Earl Marshall Under 11s are having to wait for their perfect ten wins in a row
- Local boxers become national champions
Zeeshan Maughal and Aseel Lahsoon were crowned champions in the Senior Novice Championship, hosted by the Amateur Boxing Association. The championship took place in Cranwell in Lincolnshire on 7th December 2013 and 50 senior amateur boxers competed with each other.
- Lloydie wins World titles
Legendary Burngreave body builder, Lloyd Stewart, has brought home the trophies again, winning two world titles in 2013.
- Taekwondo talent at Verdon Rec
The Verdon Street Pilsung Taekwondo club has been a Burngreave fixture since the 80s, helping many youngsters learn self-confidence, and getting some onto the British national team.
- Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is often defined as persistent pain lasting in a certain area for more than 6 months and remaining for years.
- Women Only Exercise Course
For ladies who would like to lose weight.
- Diabetes Self Help Group
This is a chance to learn new cookery skills, socialise and gain new skills to self manage your condition.
- Domestic Abuse Awareness training with Vida
For men and women working in Sheffield
- Lunch club volunteers
Christ Church, Pitsmoor’s Thursday lunch club, serves nearly 40 meals to older residents.
- St James lunch club
The current club has been meeting since 2000 and serves a home cooked lunch to about 20 local people aged 50 plus. It is self-supporting never receiving any grants
- Pitsmoor lunch club
There are limited places on the Club's own transport for people with walking difficulties.
- Dementia café volunteers
The Dementia Welcome Cafe is a cafe set up to help people with dementia to have a better quality of life.
- Donations for Christmas
Fir Vale based group, Adira, worked with the Church Of God Of Prophecy to donate gifts to Haven House women’s refuge this Christmas.
- Christmas Bazaar at Christ Church
Saturday 14th December, was the first Christmas Bazaar at Christ Church Pitsmoor in many years.
- Ashram Christmas meal
On Christmas Day, Burngreave Ashram volunteers provided a Free Meal
- Karen New Year celebrations
Many Karen families from Burma (also known as Myanmar) are now living in Burngreave. They celebrated their New Year at Forge Valley School early in January.
- St Peter’s Christingle celebration
On 15th December families from Christ Church, St Peter's and the local area held a Christingle service,
- Burngreave TARA Christmas Fayre
Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association organised a Christmas Fayre in the Vestry Hall in December.
- Feeling Good Bring and Share
On 18th December over 30 women from the Feeling Good Project at Verdon Recreation Centre, gathered to celebrate the festive season.
- Christmas gifts
Two weeks before Christmas Asha and Chloe had an idea. They wanted to do something wonderful all by themselves, but how would they do it?
- George & Brian: Motherly Love
Edgar Lowman's George and Brian cartoon, guest-starring George's mum…
- Forest Schools
Children at Byron Wood Primary School are taking part in an innovative new programme which gets them out of class and experiencing their natural surroundings.
- Sew me a story
Since the autumn halfterm, mums from Firs Hill Primary School have been meeting to learn sewing skills in order to tell their stories in fabric.
- London Chess Classic
Year 4 children from Firs Hill School went down to London on 11th December, accompanied by Mr Foster, to take part in the 5th annual London Chess Classic. Classic
- Firth Park Winter Fun
the winter fun festival at the Ripple on Firth Park Road.
- Paul Hopkinson Retires
Paul Hopkinson, Pye Bank head teacher reitres
- Fir Vale School Fundraiser
Fir vale School raised £4000 in one evening for an orphange in Gahan
- Community fitness at Parkwood Academy
Parkwood Academy opened a new community fitness suite at the school in January.
- Fundraising for Kenya
The WEA Level 1 class is organising a fundraising day for a school project in Kenya and you are invited!
- Jigsaw
craft storytelling,singing games and food at St Peter's Church
- Maat Probe Group campaign for Respect
Mental health campaigners Maat Probe Group continue to fight hard to have Respect (de-escalation rather than restraint) used nationally. In August last year they went to Whitehall to talk to Health Trusts from around the country and in October they took part in an IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) event to review work around deaths in custody.
- Burngreave residents defend democracy
On Saturday 7th December a group of constituents, including people from Burngreave, visited our MP David Blunkett in his Firth Park surgery.
- Law Centre moves
Sheffield Law Centre has moved from its office on Joiner St near the Wicker after 20 years.
- Writing creatively
Burngreave’s Creative Writing Group have been busy with their thoughts and their pens. They meet every two weeks to discuss writing, sometimes their own and sometimes published authors.
- Tour de France 2014
The Grand Départ (the opening stage ofthe Tour de France) will come through Burngreave this summer. Stage One will be from Leeds to Harrogate. Stage Two will be from York to Sheffield on Sunday 6th July.
- Hamilton courses stop
Hamilton College at Forum House ran into difficulties in January with the suspension of courses and staff redundancies.
- Community litter pick
On 29th November over thirty local residents helped to clean up the streets as part of a voluntary litter pick.
- Future plans for Abbeyfield Park House
The scaffolding around Abbeyfield Park House will soon be removed with the repairs to the roof scheduled to be completed by early February.
- Your Local Area
At the last meeting of the Burngreave Ward on the 27th November 2013:
- Jean Clack (1939 – 2013)
A memorial service for Jean Clack was held at Christ Church Pitsmoor on 20th December 2013, attended by a congregation of family and friends.
- A Soldier from Sheffield
Alan Billam who spent much of his life in Grimesthorpe has published a book in memory of his father— its a limited edition of 200 copies.
- Peggy Doman
Peggy Doman came to the UK in 1956. For most of that time she has lived in Pitsmoor.
- Heritage Showcase
Friends of Burngreave Cemetery had a stall at the Heritage Lottery ‘jamboree’ at St Mary's Community Centre Friday 17th January.
- The Adventure reopens
In December Pitsmoor Adventure Playground reopened after being closed by the Council for 2 months.
- March of Celebration
Over 100 women and children marched through Fir Vale on 26th January to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
- Hindu Samaj volunteer
Chamu Kuppuswamy is a Volunteer Ranger with the Peak District National Park.
- Julia Mary Pidd 1927 -2013
Julia Pidd (nee Postlethwaite) died in October 2013 aged 86, after a number of years of ill health.
- Julia’s tree
Just before Christmas a tree was stolen in Firs Hill
- Activity Sheffield - Walk Boost
Free community walks for adults
- Children’s Centres
Centres to give the best start to you and your family
- Spare 10 minutes to help a local charity and you could win a prize!
We need as many local residents as possible to fill in our Tool Bank questionnaire before 10th March and you could win a prize.
- Burngreave Cemetery Chapel Artist in Residence
Friends of Burngreave Cemetery And Chapel welcome applications for the next ‘Artist in Residence'.
- International Women’s Day - Inspiring Change
Celebrating the social, political and economic achievements of women in 2013/2014 at Verdon Recreation Centre.
- Staff Recruitment Evening - Oasis Academy, Fir Vale
In September 2014, a new primary Oasis Academy will open in Fir Vale. We need outstanding teachers and support staff to realise our vision.
- Sheffield Housing Company Fir Vale neighbourhood survey
Sheffield Housing Company are asking people for their views on the design of future housing and on the Fir Vale area where they are proposing to build new homes.
- Watoto Pre-school Prospective Board Members
Watoto Pre-School are looking for four trustees who would enjoy the opportunity to contribute their expertise to provide robust and dynamic governance and help the Board achieve its ambition to grow and sustain the charity.
- Photo galleries and website exclusives
A list of all the pages featuring extra photos and additional content exclusive to the February 2014 online edition.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2014-01-30 11:26:23.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2014-02-03 03:29:18.
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All content is copyright © Burngreave Messenger Ltd. or its voluntary contributors, unless otherwise stated, not to be reproduced without permission. If you have any comments, or are interested in contributing to the Messenger and getting involved, please contact us.
Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.