Raising awareness of autism

Austism Support group
Austism Support group

Story & photos: Seema Ghazal

On 14th June a group of mothers held an event at Verdon Recreation Centre giving helpful information and support on autism. Burngreave BME Autism Support Group meets up once a week at Verdon Street to offer support and advice to parents of children with autism.

We spoke to two group members, Sarah Osman and Segal Ali. Sarah mentioned that without the group mothers didn't know where to go or who to turn to. The event was intended to give mothers a bit of time to socialise and for their children to mix with other children.

Autism is a disability which will affect a person for their whole life. Autistic people can have difficulty with communicating, social interaction and social imagination. People with autism may find it difficult to understand facial expressions or recognise whether someone is feeling unhappy.

Children with autism can have delayed speech development, and may have trouble with their sleeping patterns and difficulties with behaviour. Children may need specialist support, the group can help parents find out what services are available and who to contact.

Sarah and Segal were aware of the many challenges parents and children will face after being diagnosed with autism.

Sarah said,

“There are specialist schools in Sheffield for children living with autism; sometimes it is very difficult for a parent to find a place. There is support out there, and we have been through the process many parents will face and we can help them find a way through it.”

Segal told us what the event has been about.

“Today is about awareness, we hope it will help people to recognise the signs of autism so they can get support. Parents are also sharing and giving their own experiences for other parents to relate to. We are also raising money for the group so we can run workshops and other activities.”

To find out more about Burngreave BME Autism Support Group contact 07940 465 865 or 07947 169 627.

This document was last modified on 2014-07-18 15:17:10.