Patrick Duggan

Patrick Duggan
Patrick Duggan

Born 20.2.1938 – Died 16.6.2014

Story:Vin Machin

Pat attended St Catherine’s School and he went on to further education at the technical college in Sheffield. He joined the Gas Board as an apprentice and later achieved the position of an engineer.

Throughout his time there, he made many friends and remained in contact with them. The weekly walks which they arranged together provided treasured memories for Patrick.

Having known Patrick for many many years, firstly as a cub at the age of eight, and then as a scout and scout leader, we had many happy hours together, and I will always and forever treasure those memories.

Patrick completed his national service in the army, and during that time he never forgot his links with the scouting community. On his return from national service he became a very active member of St Catherine's Scout Group and Acting Assistant District Commissioner for the Don District Scouting Association.

During his time in scouting he was well respected by everybody and his enthusiasm knew no bounds.

Very many children have been guided in life by his knowledge and ability to help other people. These children have now grown up and some have families of their own. Some people still kept in touch and they have never lost their respect for Patrick, and the treasured memories which they have, will last forever.

Scouting has sadly lost a remarkable and exceptional man who devoted his life to helping others to become respectable citizens of society.

“I venture into this world but once, any good therefore I can do or any kindness thereof let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

These words above could well be a fitting epitaph to Patrick Duggan.

This document was last modified on 2014-07-17 16:36:33.