Friends of Firth Park: Editorial

Since our last newsletter in Autumn 2013 we have had several activities and events in the Park. Funding of some of these events was by the Big Lottery as part of the Ripples in the Pond Changing Spaces scheme.

The Halloween party on 31st October in the Clock Tower was a great success, with fantastic food and entertainment, scary fancy dress and ghostly stories. We hope to do it again this year!

Firth Park Winter Festival followed on Friday 29th November, when the Friends organised Santa’s Grotto again, and the Festival organisers arranged music and fireworks as well as stalls and food for all the local community to enjoy. This is an annual event in the Park, which is always popular.

A Christmas Carol Sing-along took place on Wednesday 18th December from 6-7pm in the amphitheatre of the Ripples in the Pond area of the Park, with mulled wine and other refreshments in the Clock Tower afterwards. We had a Winter Fun day on Saturday 25th January in the Ripples in the Pond. We had fun and games, food and music and also a Treasure Hunt. The weather was not kind though, and there was a deluge of driving rain driving us into the Clock Tower!

We are hoping to put on more events and activities this year. However we would like more local people to help. If you would like to get involved, or have any ideas of things you would like to see in the Park, please contact us or come along to one of our Friends meetings, held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6-30pm in First-Start.

This document was last modified on 2014-04-09 11:52:49.