Flats to be demolished

Foundry Court
Foundry Court

Story & photo: Rohan Francis

Foundry Court Flats on Burngreave Road are to be demolished, following the rehousing of current tenants.

South Yorkshire House Association (SYHA), who own the flats, have taken the decision to knock down the building after it became too expensive to maintain to modern standards. The flats, near Minna Road, which provided 31 homes, were built in 1972. The building is physically connected to Pitsmoor Methodist Church which shares a lift with some of the flats. The church will not be included in the demolition.

Since last year, SYHA have been gradually rehousing tenants and told the Messenger that they did not have a date for demolition but would keep neighbours informed. Project Co-ordinator Dee Hiley said:

“Disturbance will be kept to a minimum and times of work will be restricted on the site to core hours. This will ensure that any deliveries are planned so that they do not conflict with peak pedestrian and traffic times and that on-site provision for contractor parking is prioritised.”

*SYHA will post information about the demolition at http://www.syha.co.uk, on Facebook (SouthYorksHA) and Twitter (@SyorksHA). Alternatively, people can call SYHA on 0114 2900 200 to ask questions or get an update.*

This document was last modified on 2014-03-31 12:11:35.