Emotional Wellbeing Service changes lives

Abdul Razzaq
Abdul Razzaq
Rafieda Nabi
Rafieda Nabi

Story:Yiwen Zheng

The Emotional Wellbeing Service is continuing to help BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) ‘isolated’ residents by employing Emotional Wellbeing Practitioners to provide a confidential service to address emotional wellbeing issues for the Pakistani community and the Arabic speaking community (male and female); primarily in the areas of Pitsmoor, Burngreave, Fir Vale, Page Hall and Firth Park.

The team work closely with GPs in the area. Senior Practitioner Rafieda Nabi explained that the service has already made a big difference to people, giving them the confidence to follow their GP’s advice and to take medication when it’s needed. She also said,

“The community has seen that this service is really needed, and it supports them. It is completely confidential, people can talk about their day to day issues and know that they are talking to a professional NHS service. We have been able to help individuals, but it has also been life changing for the whole family.

“Mental Illness is something that can happen to anyone, and can be triggered by a death in the family, by having children, by losing a job or by relationship difficulties. You can get help and this can change your life for the better.”

Emotional health and welling is everyone’s business. One in four of the population will experience serious problems with the following situation at some time in their lives and the sooner that people seek help the more effective it can be.

If you are seeking help or for more information about the service please contact Senior Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner Rafieda Nabi on 0114 226 2099 or e-mail: rafieda.nabi@shsc.nhs.uk

This document was last modified on 2014-04-09 11:11:25.