Fir Vale Mosque holds youth conference

Firvale Youth Conference
Firvale Youth Conference

Story:Ahmir Hussain | Photo: Zia Khan

Over 500, mainly young members of the Sheffield Muslim community attended the conference entitled “Keeping it Real after Ramadan” at Fir Vale’s Jamia Masjid Ghausia.

The conference was successfully organised by Zia Khan and Adeeb Chaudry, who are the founders of the Fir Vale based voluntary group, An Nasiha (Sincere Guidance). The aim of the event was to highlight key issues and to advise young people on how to stay focused after the spiritual month of Ramadan, how to avoid crime, drug abuse and illegal activities, as all of these are strongly prohibited by the Muslim faith.

Inspirational and heart piercing Nasheed’s (songs of praise) were performed by local and internationally acclaimed artist Ahmad Hussain and a very motivational and informative talk was delivered by Imam Asim Hussain, who is also renowned for being one of the youngest Imam’s in the United Kingdom. The event was brilliantly hosted by Hafiz Issarar.

Layla Singleton attended the event and had this to say

“Thank you for putting on such a wonderful event. The talks from both Ahmad and Imam Asim were refreshing and informative and the Nasheeds were simply beautiful”

This document was last modified on 2013-09-27 17:23:58.