Ellesmere Green Works to Start

Ellesmere Green
Ellesmere Green

Landscape works are finally due to start at Ellesmere Green on 30th September 2013, after many years of discussion. There will be a new ‘events space’, new benches, seating walls, trees, additional lighting and a railing around the Green. New public art will also be installed.

Ellesmere Green will be fenced off from 7th October 2013 until the work is completed in February 2014. Contractors, Amey, have said they would like to keep disruption to a minimum and they will discuss it with traders to ensure good access to shops. At the same time, Spital Hill will be repaved in the same materials used at the bottom of Spital Hill and outside Tesco. New lighting has already been installed. Sixteen new litter bins will be provided on Spital Hill, Ellesmere Green and Gower St.

For any comments or concerns about the works, phone the Streets Ahead Helpline on 0114 273 4567.

This document was last modified on 2013-09-30 08:37:11.