October 2013 Issue 108

- Burngreave Library at risk
Burngreave Library has not made it on to the Council's list of 11 local libraries to be saved.
- Nurseries judicial review
Parents from four different nurseries, including Firvale Preschool, went to court in Manchester in July to challenge a decision of Sheffield City Council’s Early Years Service.
- Advice Centre changes
Advice Centres across the city are due to merge on 1st October as the Council changes the way they are funded
- Editorial
Volunteers can’t solve budget crisis
- Taekwondo gold
Local boy Radford Love has won the British Taekwondo title in the Cadet -57kg category at the national championships in Manchester.
- Tusaale United in Portugal
During the summer Tusaale United took part in the IberCup, currently one of the most important World Youth Football Tournaments on the planet
- Earl Marshall fundraising day
Burngreave’s hugely successful football club, Earl Marshall Juniors, enjoyed the pre-season with a fundraiser at their training ground on Petre Street.
- Chileans remember
On Wednesday 11th September members of Sheffield’s Chilean community braved the rain to congregate outside the Town Hall to mark the 40th anniversary of the coup which replaced the democracy led by President Salvador Allende with the dictatorship of Pinochet.
- New roof for Abbeyfield Park House
The short-term future of Abbeyfield Park House has been secured following Sheffield City Council Cabinet agreeing to renew the slate roof and guttering
- Eid in Abbeyfield
Al-Taqwa Mosque held a Eid celebration in Abbeyfield Park in August. This is the second year the mosque has held events in the park which are intended to bring the whole community together, not just Muslims. The event included lots of activities for families such as rides, bouncy castles, food and face painting.
- Landlords oppose licensing
Public consultation on Selective Licensing in Page Hall came to an end in September following a 10 week period in which the Council's Private Sector Housing team held community meetings, sent out questionnaires and canvassed local opinion on its proposed scheme.
- Section 30 again
Page Hall has been subject to a Section 30 Dispersal Order for the third time in 5 years after South Yorkshire police and the Council agreed to place restrictions on the area in August
- Positive Solutions
Pakistan Advice and Community Association (PACA) have been working to find positive solutions to issues raised by residents in the Page Hall area. Some of the work is being funded with a Police Crime Commissioner grant which aims to re-establish pride in the area from all communities.
- Building bridges
On the 13th August, a local resident from Page Hall called for a meeting to be held between various communities to tackle the issue of anti-social behaviour.
- Sylvia Pennington (1934-2013)
St Peter's Ellesmere was filled to capacity on 6th September for a truly memorable thanksgiving service for the remarkable life of Sylvia Pennington, a Burngreave resident for 68 years.
- Andrea Hardy
Andrea Hardy, who died peacefully aged 57, on Monday 29th July, after a short but brave battle with illness, will be remembered with love and affection by many people in Sheffield.
- Residents fund Playground staff
Sheffield City Council are no longer funding the staffing of Pitsmoor Adventure Playground. From October, local residents are instead funding two Council posts at the playground with grant money, a third worker will be employed through Ellesmere Youth Project to develop the playground.
- Pitsmoor Olympics
Pitsmoor Adventure Playground hosted their own Olympic Games in August.
- Verdon Rec’s new youth club
During August, Burngreave TARA started a new youth club at Verdon Recreation Centre every Wednesday and Thursday
- SADACCA multicultural day
Celebrations for SADACCA’s International Community Cultural Day were held on 26th August at their premises on the Wicker.
- Hindu Samaj celebration
From the 9th to the 15th of September, the Hindu Samaj on Buckenham Street held a series of events to celebrate the rebirth of Ganesh, the elephant god.
- Owler Brook Story Sacks
Children at local schools will soon be able to read stories in Roma, Slovak and English as specialist teaching staff at Owler Brook school prepare to launch their own unique collection of books and reading materials based on traditional European fairy tales.
- Feeling Good on Verdon Street
A new project is starting on Verdon Street in October to help women feel good and improve their health.
- Cook and Eat
Share your recipes and eat good food once at the month at the Furnival.
- Volunteers
Do you live around the Burngreave area and are interested in volunteering for the ‘Feeling Good on Verdon Street’ project?
- Wednesday weekly Drop-in
Drop in any Wednesday morning for a cuppa at Verdon St Rec.
- George & Brian: Badminton
Edgar Lowman's latest cartoon.
- Dedicated volunteers at Pitsmoor Lunch Club
The Pitsmoor Lunch Club, run by a team of dedicated volunteers, will mark its 38th anniversary this year.
- Murder Mystery
You are invited to help solve the MURDER MYSTERY at the church fair
- New support in Fir Vale
The Adira community is hosting a clothes sale every Friday from 11am to 1pm at Trinity Methodist Church, Firth Park Road,
- Sahir Ali BMedSci university success
Sahir Ali, graduated from Sheffield University this year with a degree in Orthoptics (Eye Specialist) Bachelor of Medical Science, with Class 2:1.
- Best ever GCSEs at Fir Vale
Fir Vale School celebrated record GCSE results this summer with 53% of students achieving five A* to C grades
- Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association: Annual General Meeting
AGM 7th November, Burngreave Vestry hall
- Healthy Living with Diabetes
This is a FREE course to learn new cookery skills.
- St Cuthbert’s start extension
Friends and members of St Cuthbert’s Church, Fir Vale, and local residents gathered for a ‘Ground-breaking Ceremony’ for a new £500K Community Centre extension
- Celebration at St Peter’s Ellesmere
St Peter’s Church, held a celebration on Sunday 8th September, to mark the official recognition of Rev. Philip Ireson as Priest in Charge
- Welcome Centre toddler group
Our parent and toddler group has has been praised as one of the top sheffield groups since it re-opened 2 years ago.
- Six book challenge award
Library staff at Burngreave Library presented children with certificates and medals in September for completing the Summer Six Book Challenge.
- Fir Vale Mosque holds youth conference
Over 500, mainly young members of the Sheffield Muslim community attended the conference entitled “Keeping it Real after Ramadan” at Fir Vale’s Jamia Masjid Ghausia.
- Eden Fir Vale
Eden Fir Vale, a Christian project that works with children and young people, has recently expanded its voluntary workforce to 10 members. They have all committed to live and work in Page Hall and Wensley.
- Sports Leaders
Trainee Sports Leaders took part in their final practical exam on Tuesday 2nd July.
- Harry Brearley in Pitsmoor
Harry Brearley, discoverer of stainless steel, was born on Spital Street in 1871 and later moved with his family to Marcus Street in Pitsmoor which is now demolished. His wife lived on Scott Road.
- Wooden Head returned
The disappearing wooden horse’s head has … reared its head again.
- Jerky's Jamalicious
Jerky's Jamalicious has recently opened at the Spital Hill Plaza and specialises in freshly prepared jerk chicken prepared on an original Caribbean jerk pan.
- Ellesmere Green Works to Start
Landscape works are finally due to start at Ellesmere Green on 30th September 2013, after many years of discussion. There will be a new ‘events space’, new benches, seating walls, trees, additional lighting and a railing around the Green.
- Abbeyfield Park: Women's Cycling
We started the project in July 2013, and there has been good attendance, though Ramadan and the school holidays affected the numbers.
- I'm a resident - get me out of here!
Residents at Westbourne House nursing home on Earl Marshall Road took part in a themed event based on the TV reality show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in July 2013.
- Partners in Grime!
Around 250 people crowded into Grimesthorpe allotments on a sunny Sunday, the 22nd September, for Allotment Soup. The event, an annual creative and artistic harvest celebration of food growing and allotment culture, was organised by Grimesthorpe Allotment Society and Grow Sheffield.
- Cheap Thrillers Return
It was a fun, free, family friendly Saturday night out in Burngreave at the “Cheap Thrills Zero Budget Film Festival.” The Cemetery Chapel was buzzing with over a hundred film goers all eager to see an array of films from local film makers.
- Something to celebrate at SAGE Greenfingers
As summer slipped into autumn SAGE Greenfingers celebrated a fantastic year of growth, both on our allotments and for our organisation.
- Councillor Surgeries
Your local councillors, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain and Talib Hussain share surgeries on a rota basis.
- JOB: Senior Early Years Practitioner at WATOTO
A resourceful, efficient, creative and approachable person required to work with under 5s. To Cover Maternity Leave for 1 year. Term time only post.
25/35 hrs per week.
Salary: £7.30 per hour
Closing date: 12 noon 14th October 2013
- Burngreave Cemetery Bargain Hunt
Sunday 13th October 2013: The Friends group are having a clear-out! Bric-a-brac, Books, Jumble. Plus, it's Apple Day!
- Sheffield Stop Smoking Services in Burngreave
Thinking about stopping smoking? Sheffield Stop Smoking Service can help! Drop in to see a trained stop smoking adviser.
- Break free from smoking
Do you want to break free from smoking? Increase your chance of success with FREE local support from Emma, Burngreave Community Stop Smoking Worker.
- The Blue Loop
The Blue Loop is a continuous loop of waterways and riverside walkways in the heart of Sheffield,
- Seasonal flu vaccinations
Dr Mooney and Dr Hobden are holding drop-in flu vaccination clinics for patients of Burngreave and Herries Road Surgeries.
- Burngreave Messenger AGM
Come and join us at the Abbeyfield Park House community room on Saturday 9th November for our Annual General Meeting.
- Website exclusives and photo galleries
A list of all the photo galleries and extra stories exclusive to the October 2013 issue.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Jamie Marriott
2013-09-26 13:57:41.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2013-10-03 16:28:58.
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Burngreave Messenger Ltd. Abbeyfield Park House, Abbeyfield Road, Sheffield S4 7AT.
Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
Company Limited by Guarantee: 04642734
Registered Charity: 1130836
The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.