Christmas Events at Firth Park

Look out for the Christmas Festival in Firth Park on Friday 29th November from 3-6pm. The Friends of Firth Park will again have Santa's Grotto. There will be music, stalls, fun and Fireworks organised by the Firth Park Festival Committee. Ring Chris on 07814 719 126 if you would like a stall or wish to help in any way.

They also hope to have a Christmas Carol Singalong in the Ripples in the Pond area later in December. Look out for the posters around the Park with dates and times. This will be the third year we have held a singalong, when we have had mince pies, hot soup and fruit punch free for all who come along and sing. Everyone is welcome!

For further information on the Friends of Firth Park ring Maggie on 242 2067.

Christmas Festival in Firth Park
3:00pm to 6:00pm Friday 29 November 2013
This document was last modified on 2013-11-14 17:04:34.