Thinking of stopping smoking

Quit-Stop shop
Quit-Stop shop

Sheffield NHS Stop Smoking Service can help you

You may have considered quitting for Ramadan before but have not had the information or support to make a quit attempt. Let this be the year that you succeed.

It is a fact that stopping smoking is the best thing you can do not only for your own body’s health, but because of the dangers of second hand smoke, for the health of your family too.

Sheffield NHS Stop Smoking Service (South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) is a FREE friendly and confidential service, helping over three thousand Sheffield smokers to quit last year. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive service and welcome members of all communities

The service has trained advisers providing free advice and information such as tips for beating cravings and support to help you stay quit for good. This includes information on what medications are available and our advisers are usually able to give you a voucher for Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) e.g. patches and gum, which means there is no need for a GP appointment. If you do not pay for your prescriptions your NRT is free.

There are advisers at various venues, including GP practices, Pharmacies, Dental Practices and Community Centres, and Burngreave has a Community Stop Smoking Adviser, Emma Msigiti at The Furnival (see ‘Fed up of your money going up in smoke?’ for more details).

The service also run a drop in service at the Quit Stop in the City Centre, opposite Sheffield City Council First Point at Howden House, with Urdu, Punjabi and Arabic speakers working there most Thursdays.

If you require an interpreter in any other language or cannot get into the shop on Thursdays please contact the free-phone number 0800 068 4490.

Sheffield NHS Stop Smoking Service, 39 Charles Street, Sheffield, S1 2HU.

Document Links

Fed up of your money going up in smoke?
If you want to quit smoking and save money contact Emma, Burngreave Community Stop Smoking Advisor.
This document was last modified on 2013-06-03 12:32:00.