Recognition for quality

Watoto montage
Watoto montage

Watoto Pre-School, the early years education and childcare service, have been rewarded for the quality of their work.

Following a comprehensive assessment, which included evaluating children’s progression in learning, the environment, and partnerships with parents, staff and leadership team, they have been awarded the ‘Sheffield Loves Learning Charter for Quality Provision’. Sharon the manager said:

“We are very proud that, in recognition of all that we do at Watoto, we have received this quality assurance award. We are constantly working to improve our service at Watoto. I think that this quote from the assessors’ report sums up our qualities:

“‘Watoto Pre-School embraces the importance of provision of a high quality environment to support children’s early learning, to allow them to flourish, to enjoy their learning and to achieve well’”.

This document was last modified on 2013-06-05 08:28:18.