Adventure Playground Family Fun Day

Story & photos: Erin Blythe

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground showed its value to the community when it held a Family Fun Day on 20th April.

Up to 200 people visited during the course of the day, many regulars but some who had never been before. A bouncy castle had been hired for the day, but all the regular equipment was in use too (except the big slide which is too dangerous) and MC Nige was demonstrating dance moves in the activity room.

My friends Danica (DD Dog) and Lottie (Carlotta) helped me to interview lots of kids and adults to see what they liked about the playground. Carter told us: “I like the bouncy castle and the zip wire.” Anika and Saif liked the bouncy castle too, and thought new equipment could make it even better. Abbas said that “this is the best playground I like!” Asea had been busy making pancakes in the mud kitchen, she told us

“I feel bad that the playground might close. I won't know what to do. Playing in the street is boring, this is a much more fun place and it's safer.”

The day brought back fond memories for Sam:

“I remember my grandma doing a sponsored walk to raise money for this playground years ago. I first came when I was about 10. I'm now in Stannington and it's the first time I've visited since I was a kid, but I've brought my 3 year old son and he's loving it! I used to volunteer here, I helped build the big slide with my dad. I'll be gutted if it closes.”

Laura Watkins chairs the playground's users’ group who are in discussions with the Council about the playground's opening hours. Until recently the playground was open for 25 hours each week, but now cuts to Activity Sheffield staffing mean it is only open for 9 hours. The users’ group are trying to persuade the Council to provide more staff time, and work with others to put on additional activities.

Playground Fun!
Playground Fun!

Some of the equipment does need fixing, and the Council say it must be checked every day by a “competent person”, which makes it difficult for volunteers to keep the playground open without Council support. As Ruth said,

“I don't think it's fair to expect the community to run the playground when the Council can find the money to run services. This isn't very expensive to run compared with a lot of facilities out there. There's not many free things around here for people, especially places where children can take part in his kind of risk-taking play, children will really lose out.”

The fun day was awesome and I really hope the playground stays open. The kids we spoke to wanted more play facilities not less: Carter would like monkey bars, and Abbas really wants a ghost train! We had a great day, and everyone was very good at being interviewed.

To find out about what's happening at the playground you can join the Facebook group Pitsmoor Adventure Playground Support, or email Users’ Group:

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground is open

Playground nostalgia
Playground nostalgia

Wednesdays and Fridays 3.30-6.30pm, Saturdays 12-3pm.

In school holidays: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays 12-3pm.

Come and be wild in the woods at the Playground. Starting 5th June, every Wednesday, 3.30 -6.30pm. With Woodlands and Sheffield Wildlife Trust

Play for Fun course with the Out of School Network (OSN). For parents, carers, childminders or playworkers.

Mondays 10am to 12.30pm, 10th, 17th, 24th June and 1st July.

Contact OSN on 0114 249 4941

This document was last modified on 2013-05-31 17:05:27.