June 2013 Issue 106

- Council to fill Sorby House
Sorby House will be filled with Council services by March 2014, including Burngreave Library, the Housing Office, Community Youth Teams and the Multi-Agency Support Team (MAST).
- Road resurfacing starts in June
Repairs to the main streets in Burngreave will begin in June.
- Shooting on Rock Street
South Yorkshire Police report that a firearm was fired at a property on Rock Street at around 11.15pm on Thursday 11th April.
- The Editorial
Thank you to our distributors
Compassion in hard times
More information
- Roma Slovak teaching success
A project which helps Roma Slovak children improve their achievement at local primary schools has taken on 5 trainee teaching assistants in order to expand the service
- Plans for Fir Vale Primary
Sheffield City Council have applied for planning permission to build a two-storey primary school building on land at Skinnerthorpe Road in Fir Vale.
- Pye Bank School takes on Verdon
From June 1st Verdon Recreation Centre will be run by Pye Bank School, following budget cuts which resulted in Activity Sheffield cutting all staff support at the centre in April.
- Residents lobby local councillors about cuts
On Saturday 15th April around 20 local residents lobbied Councillor Jackie Drayton’s surgery at Burngreave Library in protest at the huge cuts to local services.
- Angry meeting opposes Selective Licensing
A meeting was held at Pakistan Advice and Community Association on the 15th May to voice concerns about proposals for ‘Selective Licensing’, a landlord licensing scheme in Fir Vale.
- District heating in Carwood
Carwood tenants met with the Council in April to complain about the district heating system which broke down in the cold weather and snow in March.
- Concern about allotment costs
Burngreave allotment holders attended a meeting at the Quaker Meeting House about the increase in rents, which will triple by 2014/5.
- Charity cycle ride
Giulia Gigliobianco and her Dad, Cosimo, are challenging themselves to a Sheffield to London bike ride, in aid of the medical research charity, RAFT.
- Trade Base Allotment project
I went along to Windmill Lane allotments to find out about the Trade Base Community Allotment.
- Let’s get talking
Mental health problems are common – but nearly nine out of ten people who experience them say they face discrimination.
- Second-hand smoke puts children at risk
Anyone can be affected by breathing in second hand smoke, but children are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of cigarette smoke as their lungs and immune systems are not fully developed. This puts them at a higher risk of developing conditions including bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis, ear infections and asthma
- Obesity and Children
Evidence shows that obesity, infant mortality and poor health are strongly connected, and rates are higher in some black and minority ethnic (BME) groups. Recent studies have shown that obese children are more likely to have raised blood pressure, diabetes type 2, and high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And the risk of children suffering from stroke and heart disease later in life is higher.
- The right start
If your baby is approaching six months old you are probably starting to think about weaning them onto solid food. Weaning is the process babies go through when they move away from milk being their only food and start to eat solid food. It is important to wait until six months before you try your baby with solid food as your baby’s digestive system will not cope with solid food before then.
- Respect, not restraint
Local mental health campaign group, MAAT Probe Group, hosted an event at the Vestry Hall on 26th March, to share all they had learned from their successful work to change Control and Restrain in mental health care to a more humane technique called RESPECT. The event was attended by service users, and mental health professionals and organisations.
- Thinking of stopping smoking
You may have considered quitting for Ramadan before but have not had the information or support to make a quit attempt. Let this be the year that you succeed
- Adventure Playground Family Fun Day
Pitsmoor Adventure Playground showed its value to the community when it held a Family Fun Day on 20th April.
- George & Brian: Exams
George is strangely overjoyed about some exam news in Edgar Lowman's latest cartoon.
- Byron Wood pupils at the Albert Hall
Story:Aksa Shahid & Robiann Brown On 2nd April 2013 Robiann Brown and Aksa Shahid in Y6 at Byron Wood Primary School, went to Tudor Hall School in Oxfordshire, for they had won a place in the National Youth Choir of Great Britain.
- Down in the woods at Pye Bank School
If you go down to the woods today…
In the wooded area, at the bottom of the playground, interesting things are happening.
- Yorkshire cricket hero
Talented local schoolboy Inez Younis, from Hucklow Primary School, has been selected to play for the Yorkshire under 11’s cricket team.
- Fabulous Firshill Family Learning
“Family Learning” happens at Firs Hill School every Wednesday morning from 9.30-11.30am. There are courses running right through the year!
- Parkwood Academy Summer Fair
Saturday 6th July 2013 11.30 – 3.30 Longley Avenue West, Shirecliffe
- Muheeb wins his first professional fights!
In the June 2012 issue we caught up with young boxer Muheeb Fazeldin who had just turned professional. Since then, he has won two professional fights and secured sponsorship from the Burngreave Building Company.
- Essa’s achievements recognised
Rising athletics star, Essa Ahmed, has recently received recognition from the Young People’s awards on the 25th February at Sheffield Hallam University. Attending the ceremony he received a special achievement award for sport as well as for the progress he has made in other areas.
- Spectacular season for Earl Marshall Juniors
Story: Mick Ashman Next year Earl Marshall Juniors will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary and, for the first time, it will have two teams competing in Division A, the top Division in the Sheffield and District Junior League, after the both Under 12s and Under 11s secured promotion.
- Employment event for young people
Photo: John Mellor Ellesmere Youth Project and Burngreave Works organised an employment event at the Vestry Hall on 22nd May, to support young people to think about their futures.
- Last chance to claim Disability Living Allowance
10th June will be the last day for adults to claim Disability Living Allowance (DLA) before it is replaced with PIP – Personal Independence Payment.
- Knit and Natter
The ‘Knit and Natter’ group, run by the Primary Mental Health Care Project and held at the Ashram on Spital Hill, celebrated their 5th anniversary in May
- Food for thought
Burngreave Foodbank went the extra mile when ‘Phil the trolley’ visited Burngreave as part of the nationwide ‘Trolley Push’ on 22nd April.
- New community choir
The new Burngreave/Pitsmoor Community choir under the guidance of Janine Dyer meets in the Welcome Centre (Nottingham Street at the back of Christchurch) every Thursday at 7 pm. New members are very welcome to sing contemporary and gospel music. The choir is relaxed, fun and a great chance to improve your singing! Why not pop along for just £1 per session.
- 70th anniversary celebrations
Story: Patrick Duggan| Photos: Sharon Baker In April, St Catherine’s 205th Scout Group celebrated its 70th anniversary at their HQ on Holtwood Road.
- Recognition for quality
Watoto Pre-School, the early years education and childcare service, have been rewarded for the quality of their work.
- Mother Tongue Other Tongue
Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a multilingual poetry competition, celebrating cultural diversity and the many languages currently spoken and studied.
- Permaculture celebrated
Permaculture Association UK celebrated its 30th birthday in and around Burngreave over the weekend of May 4th and 5th.
- Community bicycling
With support of cycling groups CTC and Pedal Ready, women have been learning to cycle at Fir Vale and Byron Wood School for several years. From 7th June these groups will be moving to Abbeyfield Park.
- Plant sale at Grimesthorpe
The sun almost shone on Saturday the 18th May for the annual plant sale and AGM of Grimesthorpe Allotment Society.
- Final Community Assembly Meeting
The final meeting of the North East Community Assembly took place on 2nd May at Shirecliffe Community Centre with just 12 local residents present.
- Brearley’s origins
Harry Brearley, who discovered Stainless Steel in 1913, was born on 18th February 1871 in a back-to-back off Spital Street, Pitsmoor, in what was known as a House, Chamber and Garret.
- Down the mines
A group of intrepid local historians set off from Burngreave Cemetery early in May to visit the National Coal Mining Museum at Wakefield.
- Chileans commemorate 40th anniversary of the coup
Chile Sports, Culture and Development Association (SCDA) moved into Abbeyfield House last month after fifteen years in nearby Norbury Resource Centre.
- Toolbank relaunched
Green City Action has recruited Sarah Emberson to co-ordinate the newly-relaunched Toolbank at Abbeyfield House.
- Bedroom Tax demo
From April 2013, the Government is introducing new rules to restrict the amount of benefit you can claim if you are renting your home.
- Missing cat – can you help?
A Messenger reader who lives on Whiteways Road is looking for help to find her missing cat.
- Abbeyfield Park Multicultural Festival 2013
This year's festival will take place on Sunday 7th July.
- Job: Temporary Medical Receptionist / Administrator
The post will include reception duties, data input, general office tasks and word processing / IT skills at Pitsmoor Surgery.
Salary: £6.44 – £8.51 per hour subject to experience / qualifications
Closing date: 30th June 2013
- Job: Enabler/Personal Assistant wanted
For visually impaired person.
15 hours per week (flexible).
£7.00 per hour
Closing date: 1st July 2013
- Fed up of your money going up in smoke?
If you want to quit smoking and save money contact Emma, Burngreave Community Stop Smoking Advisor, for FREE confidential support.
- Dementia Awareness Session
Wednesday 12th June 2013 at the Furnival Community Centre. For local Lunch Club and other community volunteers who may come across people with memory problems.
- Firth Park Festival 2013
Family fun day, Saturday 29th June 11am – 4pm.
- Dementia? Welcome! Cafe
The cafe is open Wednesdays 11am – 1pm
- Elodie All Sainte Launch Event
Please join Elodie All Sainte on 15th June 2013 for a day of fun, exhibition, African dance and foods and find out more about what the organisation is doing.
- Pitsmoor Methodist Church events
Coffee morning on June 13th and the Summer Garden Party on June 22nd. Plus: two pianos to give away!
- Burngreave Cemetery summer events
Upcoming events at Burngreave Cemetery, including the well-dressing, Permaculture Design Certificate Course
- A Cup of Heaven
Join the Fountain Of Life Christian Centre for a monthly coffee morning.
The content on this page was added to the website by
Christine Steers
2013-05-30 14:20:37.
The content of the page was last modified by
Jamie Marriott
2013-06-03 12:36:18.
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Telephone: 0114 242 0564. Email: mail@burngreavemessenger.org
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The Burngreave Messenger is a community newspaper with editorial independence, funded by the Big Lottery, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Scurrah Wainwright Charity, local residents and our advertisers.