You might not be getting enough vitamin D

Happy & Healthy
Happy & Healthy

Need more sunshine? Seriously, you might!

You might not be getting enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is important as it helps the body absorb calcium for building strong bones and teeth. The majority of this vitamin is made in our body from sunlight. However, due to the weather here in the north of England many of us are not able to get enough vitamin D in this way.

People at risk of vitamin D deficiency

Some people will be more at risk of vitamin D deficiency than others such as growing children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. There are people who may be unable to make enough vitamin D from sunlight including people with darker skin, people who get very little sunlight on their skin (perhaps because they cover their skin for cultural reasons or are housebound), and elderly people as they have thinner skin. Others may be at risk if they do not get any vitamin D through their diet – people on very low fat diets and breastfed babies whose mothers are deficient in vitamin D are at risk for this reason.

Ways to increase vitamin D levels

There are some simple lifestyle changes that we all can make to increase our vitamin D levels:

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This document was last modified on 2013-02-01 17:27:09.