Scouts Community Challenge

Story: 76th Sheffield Scouts | Photo: Jim Gilbert

On the 3rd of January, 76th Scouts decided to help the community. Lots of Scouts attended a litter picking event as part of trying to earn their Community Challenge Badge where Scouts have to do community service and find out about some aspect of their local community.

There were many participants who helped on the day such as Samier, Kael, Javien, Jacob, George, Dayne and organisations like Carwood TARA and Sheffield Homes. They were based around the area of Carwood and near the Cornerstone Scout Hut at the top of Carwood Road. As Ingrid Gillson said, “It looked a lot better afterwards, and it motivated me to do more litter picking. It also gave us a real sense of achievement.”

Most of the scouts did the litter picking because they live in the area and thought it was a disgraceful mess and so they could help the community but some did it so they could get a community challenge badge. They have also done a number of activities like bulb planting and coming to see the Burngreave Messenger. They had to do six hours of litter picking to get the badge.

Scout to Explorer

Young Leader Eden has been in scouting for just over 11 years. Since he started with Beavers aged 6, he now is an Explorer and Young leader helping run the scout nights. He was the first Scout from 76th to earn the Chief Scout’s Gold award and has been abroad to an international camp in Switzerland. He said the best bit about scouting is going on camps and learning new skills, for example map reading and bush craft skills.

Explorer to Leader

Scout Leader Nathan has been in scouting for 8 years since he started in Scouts at age 10. He was the first scout from 76th to go to Explorers and has since moved on to Net-work. He is now an assistant Scout Leader. He remembers the best bit about Scouting (as well as camping and learning new skills) was completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. He wants to make Scouting better and more enjoyable for future Scouts. He enjoys running his ‘Bush Tucker Trials’ for the Scouts where they are challenged to eat obnoxious food combinations, for example flapjack and gravy or olives and rice pudding, all who tried it thought it great fun, but disgusting!

Group Information

Scout nights happen every Friday 7:30-9:30pm and cost £1 per night, but the first night is free. For more information you can contact Scouts via

This document was last modified on 2013-01-31 17:04:10.