Our Spital Hill artwork

Spital Hill Art
Spital Hill Art

Story: Lydia Flanagan | Photos: Richard Hanson

This coming February, part of a new art project run by Sheffield City Council called ‘A Common Thread’ will be installed on Savile Street. Hoardings around the undeveloped site next to Tesco, on Savile Street, will display a combination of photos and artwork by artist Fabric Lenny and local photographer Richard Hanson.

The artwork forms the backdrop to photos Richard has been taking for the past 6 months of people who live and work on Spital Hill. The pictures show the variety of businesses and the great mix of people around Spital Hill.

Spital Hill Art
Spital Hill Art

They will be a welcoming sight to the area with their bright and cheerful artwork and appropriate caption, ‘Our Spital Hill – where variety is the spice of life.’

The aim of the project is to involve people in the changes in their area and express the history and aspirations of the local community. It is seen as a way of creating a visual link through the area and encouraging people to use the local shops.

To see the pictures and artwork, go to: http://acommonthreadsheffield.blogspot.co.uk/

This document was last modified on 2013-02-04 20:23:34.