Not such a Silent Night!

Firs Hill Christmas Play
Firs Hill Christmas Play
Aleena Fartoon Millie Large
Aleena Fartoon Millie Large

Story: Kath Hobson

Firs Hill Primary’s nativity play “Not such a Silent Night!” was performed by Reception, Y1 and Y2 children.

With fantastic costumes and some beautiful singing, the story was set in a cold winter’s night in Bethlehem, when an innkeeper calls his animals into the stable. They make such a noise that they frighten little Larry Lamb away. It’s far from a silent night in the stable – until Mary and Joseph arrive, bringing peace.

Meanwhile, Larry Lamb has run so far that he’s lost and alone. A donkey, a camel and a sheepdog pass by – but none can help Larry get home as they don’t know where he lives. ‘You should have stayed with your mummy!’ they all tell him.

At last an angel guides Larry home. In the stable he is reunited with his mother, surprised to see the animals he met while lost, and meets baby Jesus. Everyone celebrates noisily, and once again it’s NOT such a silent night!

A big thank you to Mrs Reid who worked extremely hard to put this play together and ran many rehearsals! Thanks also to the huge number of parents who came to enjoy the play and well

Firs Hill Christmas Nativity Play
Firs Hill Christmas Nativity Play
This document was last modified on 2013-02-01 15:54:26.