Council proposes Playground closure

Adventure Playground
Adventure Playground
The Big Slide
The Big Slide
The opening of the Under 5;s Area
The opening of the Under 5;s Area
Face painting
Face painting
Castle builder
Castle builder

Story: Lisa Swift

The Council is proposing to close Pitsmoor Adventure Playground as part of its budget cuts from April.

Activity Sheffield, which runs the playground, proposes that the playground becomes an open park with no staff support. The building would be closed unless rented out by other groups.

The Playground has been part of Pitsmoor life for over 30 years, and has faced cuts and closure many times before. Local residents have always sprung to its defence because they know the difference that it makes to children’s lives to have a safe, adventurous place to be. On hearing the proposals local parents and residents expressed their concern …

“The playground is somewhere safe where both my children can play, can get exercise and take physical risks appropriately with supervision. Here children are supported and encouraged to play together. My son is only 2, but older children will play really well with him, this is because of the influence of the staff. A lot of kids around here need good role models and that’s what they get here.”

Chris Taylor, local parent

“This short-sighted closure will lead to hundreds of thousands of pounds being spent on putting right issues that the Playground currently prevents.”

John Errington, local resident

“The playground provides opportunities for children to mix. It’s seen as a safe place to come. And with so many new people coming to the area, it’s fantastic that this place has been here all this time. It will be really missed if it goes.”

Steve Pool, local resident and builder of the playground’s castle

“Pitsmoor Adventure Playground is a vital resource, not just for children in Burngreave but the surrounding area, and is a lifeline for many families. Although we’ve got to face up to disproportionate cuts nationally, it’s important that we stand together side by side and prioritise what’s important in Sheffield. I’d urge people to save this vital resource for children from a range of diverse backgrounds. Some of the most vulnerable families in Sheffield use this service.”

Patrick Meleady, former playground manager.

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground have begun a campaign to save the playground and hope they can talk to the Council about how to keep the playground going in the future.

To find out more, or to join the campaign, contact Chris Taylor on 07903 453 006 or see

This document was last modified on 2013-02-10 23:39:14.