Raising issues with the Council at your local Ward Meeting

Local Road
Local Road

Do you have a local or policing issue? Come along to the Burngreave Area Ward meeting where you can raise questions and hear what the North East Community Assembly is doing.

You can find out:

Thursday 28 February at Fir Vale School Dining Room, Owler Lane, S4 8GB from 6-8pm.

Agenda to include:

Do you have a suggestion to improve streets/pavements in your area such as highway markings, double yellow lines, dropped kerbs?

These will be considered as the Streetsahead project moves around the city to improve our streets (Parson Cross area and Owler Lane/Holywell Road/Barrow Road/Ecclesfield road areas are targeted for April-June 2013).

You can submit your suggestions by telephone on 0114 273 4479 or online – http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/roads. (Please note all requests will need to be for the benefit of the wider community).

Burngreave Area Ward meeting
6:00pm to 8:00pm Thursday 28 February 2013
This document was last modified on 2013-02-04 20:27:19.