Clean up fun with Christ Church

Climbing wall Christ Church
Climbing wall Christ Church
Climbing wall, Christ Church
Climbing wall, Christ Church

Story: Jessica Hanson Photos: Jessica Hanson & Philip Ireson

On a sunny Saturday afternoon in late September, Christ Church Pitsmoor and All Saints Ecclesall came together to organise a fun day at Nottingham Cliff Park – but first, a clean up was needed.

Over fifteen young people from both churches went and did some litter picking and general clearing up in the morning, then it was time for the fun to begin! There was a bouncy castle, a climbing wall, face painting, nail art and more.

The event was very well attended with people coming from all over the city. All the activities were supervised by members of the youth team and we had a very enjoyable day with a barbecue at the end.

This document was last modified on 2013-12-01 21:23:50.