Story: Somshun Nessa
In April and May, residents took part in a six week ‘Healthy living with diabetes’ course at the Burngreave Children’s Centre.
The course was open to those with, or at high risk of developing, type 2 diabetes and those who care for family with type 2 diabetes. It was delivered by Dawn Young a trained tutor in nutrition and physical activity, supported by Somshun Nessa, Health Development Worker, Pam Daniels, new Health Trainer and Nasra, Health Champion, who provided translation into Urdu and Punjabi.
The course included information about risk factors, causes, symptoms and eating healthily. The tutor also explained food labels, the benefits of physical activity and suggested cooking tips. Each session was followed either by a cooking session where we looked at adapting home-made recipes brought in by the learners, or gentle physical activity sessions. The learners gave the following feedback:
“Both my mother and father-in-law have Type 2 diabetes, and we attended this course together, this course has helped me understand the condition more and how to support my parents. As a family we have made many changes, we cook with less oil, fat and salt and no ghee. Me and my mother-in-law go out every day for a 45 minutes’ walk.”
“The tutor Dawn was so helpful, friendly and she made the course very easy to understand, she made us feel so relaxed and comfortable”
“Somshun and Nasra were really supportive, if it wasn’t for Somshun I wouldn’t have known about the group I am so grateful to her for helping me.”
“Dawn gave us lots of information about diabetes to take home to show rest of the family, which is very useful”
“Without Nasra’s help I wouldn’t have been able to understand the course fully, she has been a great help.”
“It was very useful to know how we can change our own recipes without having to change our diet completely.”
“I have made new friends on the course and we have set up our own walking club where we meet up a couple times a week and go for long walks.”
Following the course we have decided to set up a self-help group, meeting once a month. Professionals will give more advice around managing type 2 diabetes to the group. Burngreave Healthy Communities Programme will be funding another course.
If you would like to attend or for more information contact Somshun Nessa, SOAR Health Development Worker on: 07960 084 119.
For further information on Diabetes speak to your GP, Diabetic Nurse or visit